Chapter 17- WEDDING!

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~okay one more chapter and this book will be done! So yeah...this chapter and the next chapter will be long! Yay!

No one's POV

The wedding was just beautiful. There were Tri-force symbols painted onto balloons and everything geek related. Tri-chan's was a little more artsy and emo (I'm emo okay? So yeah... my dress will be red :3). All in all it was just amazing! Every member of the Akatsuki was there, your cousin was there, and Tri-chan's friends were there.

"Tri-chan," you said.

"Yeah?" Tri-chan asked.

"I just want to say, thanks for being a sister to me and you look very cute in that dress," your replied.

"Aww thank you (Y/n)! I love being a sister to you and you look gorgeous in your dress!" Tri-chan said.

"Heh, thanks,"

You two were looking through a one way glass window, so you could see outside but no one could see in, just waiting for your cue. Then you realized, Tri-chan's parents weren't there.

"Why aren't your parents here?" You asked.

"Oh...they...died," said Tri-chan sounding a little disappointed.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss," you said.

"Don't worry, at least we can lock arms with each other!" Tri-chan exclaimed.

"Oh! They're starting!"

You guys walked out of the room locking arms together down the aisle while "Here Comes The Bride" played in the background. Once the song ended the two of you were standing in front of your fiancés waiting for the priest guys to show up.

The guy finally showed up and started the long ass speech.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of two couples, Uchiha Sasuke and (L/n) (F/n), and Deidara (btw Deidara doesn't have a last name) and Trinitee Hurst (yes that is my name, do not use this against me). Before we begin is there anyone who objects of these two couples to get married or forever hold your peace," said the priest.

There was a silence for a long time and no one answered which meant the priest can continue with the wedding.

"Now we'll have the grooms say their vows, starting with Sasuke,"

"(Y/n), when I first met you I thought you were just some gamer who was really shy and didn't like to talk; but when I got to know you better it turned out you were more than just a gamer, you are a wonderful friend, cousin, daughter, and wife. When I asked you to be mine, I was convinced you were going to say no but when you said yes I was shocked. But now we have beautiful twins and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you," said Sasuke.

You smiled, you couldn't help it you were just so happy! You haven't felt this way ever since you met him.

(I'm gonna skip Deidara's vows because I'm sure you don't want to hear it, if you do I'll add it in the next chapter!)

After the grooms says their vows, it was the brides turn to say theirs.

"Now the brides will say their vows," said the priest.

"Sasuke, when I first saw you I thought you were just some pretty boy who had lots of girls around him. I was right at first, then I realized that you hated them, and when you told me your feelings I couldn't help but smile. Without you I don't know where I'd be right now. Now I'm happy that I had gorgeous twins and going to spend the rest of my life with you," you said.

Tri-chan said her vows and now the priest can continue with the wedding shit.

"Now, do you Sasuke Uchiha take (F/n) (L/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife and you will take care and love her for the rest ofyour life?" Asked the priest.

"I do," replied Sasuke.

"And do you, (F/n) (L/n) take Sasuke Uchiha to be your lawfully wedded husband and you will take care and love him for the rest of your life?" The priest asked

"I do," you smiled.

After the priest asked Tri-chan and Deidara and they said their "I do's" he finally announced,"You may kiss the bride!"

Sasuke pulled you into a very passionate but soft kiss, there were cheers and whistles from the crowd; you and Tri-chan threw your bouquets and turned around to see who caught it. Itachi and Kisame caught it, you guys smiled and the two now newlyweds went to the reception.

~At the reception~

The reception was amazing, there was a big cake that had you and Sasuke and Tri-chan and Deidara on it. You smiled when "Call Me Your Master" by Blood On The Dancefloor (I only like 2 songs from them and they are both very sexual xD) came on and you and Sasuke started to dance.

Even though it was a weird sing to be dancing to, who gave a shit? You spent the rest of the reception talking to Tri-chan's friends and your cousin. (C/N) was really proud of you, they didn't think you would be able to find a boyfriend and eventually marry and have children with him.

After the reception you and the rest of the Akatsuki went back to the base to go back to bed.

You had to admit that was the happiness day of your life.

~Yay! Another chapter done! Well I'll see ya in the next chapter! Bye!


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