Chapter 7-

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Sasuke's POV

Damn how do I say this?


______ waited for me to speak, but the words weren't coming out.

Your POV-

"I guess you're trying to say that you like me?" I asked.

He sat there and silently nodded his head "yes". I went up and hugged him and said,"Then I'll accept."

Sasuke hugged back and we stayed like that for a few moments until Author-chan walked in.

"Um....I'll just get my sketchbook and go," she said while getting her sketchbook off of her bed and running off.

"You should really close the door," Sasuke grunted.

I got up and closed the door.

"Wanna play Call of Duty?" I asked.

"Sure, which one?" Sasuke replied.

"Black Ops 2. I don't want to get the 3rd one because the graphics look better on the PS4," I replied.

I popped in the disk in and turned on the TV and the PS3 and we started to play.

Time skip to 3 hours later.

"Are you kidding me! He's camping!" I yelled after I died by a camper.

"______ calm down, it's just one guy," chuckled Sasuke.

I took a deep breath and we finished our match, but we didn't realize what time it was.

"Hey Sasuke, what time is it?"

"Time for you to get a watch."

"It's time for you to get a calendar because that jokes out of date!"

"Okay you got me. It's 1:30, why you ask?"

"Shit. We have school tomorrow."

"Today is Saturday. It's 1 in the morning, we don't have school."

"In that more round?"


(Oh btw I fell asleep on the couch, so did Deidara. Yeah, you guys played for so long we gave up and fell asleep on the couch)

20 minutes later

"Ugh I'm so hungry," I complained.

"Same, do you want to go get something?" Sasuke replied.

"Are you crazy? We'll wake everyone up!" I silently shouted.

"Why yes, but we won't," replied Sasuke.

"Fine I'm trusting you," I said.

We went out of the room while tiptoeing to the kitchen. Of course being it 1 in the morning it was pitch black, other than the TV on playing Netflix.

Sasuke and I were successful and we got some food and drinks. We silently ran back to the room and closed the door.

"Um ______ do you really need a Monster? You're gonna need that for later," said Sasuke.

"Yep, and as long I don't have a caffeine crash, I should be fine," I replied.

"Whatever suit yourself," grumbled Sasuke.

~See you weren't gonna be left hanging for long. And if you want me to a lemon chapter in the future I will, even though I'll be laughing and blushing really badly. But I will NOT show pictures of me because

•I don't trust you

•I'm ugly as all hell (well that's what I think)

But stay in touch so you can get notified for more chapters!

Bye guys!

Sasuke X Gamer Reader (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now