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~Omg guys I'm so sorry! I didn't realize it's been this long xD. But sadly this is the only update I can do today, I actually just got done puking my guts out....no I'm not pregnant it was something I ate. So I'll be fine I just need to rest and I'll be fine... My throat really hurts and burns Dx

I'll tell ya guys something, I haven't thrown up for awhile...the last time I did I didn't even hit puberty yet, so I would say 10 y/o. I'm almost 14 (MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW :D). So yeah it's been a long time, 4 years exactly! It really hurt me because I've been trying to avoid that.

No I'm not updating this in the bathroom, I'm in my room, I feel like shit and I can't still taste and smell it 😫

Well I'm gonna try and get some sleep because I woke up at 3 so I'm tried (sort of)

Bye guys!

Sasuke X Gamer Reader (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now