Chapter 10-

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~wooooo! We're getting close to the lemon! This chapter is sort of a filler chapter because I need to make you and the others that go to Kohana high graduate (oh and BTW you're in your last year so yeah!) And besides it would make more sense that way! Well time to go to the chapter!

No one's POV

"(F/N) (L/N)!"

You went up and the principal handed you your diploma, you were proud to be out of here. In the crowd you saw your cousin, (C/N). You, of course, were quite shocked because he/she kicked you out. You sat back down next to Sasuke who already did/didn't get their diploma yet.

¶Time Skip¶

"(Y/n) I'm so proud of you!" (C/n) said.

"Thank you," you replied.

"Well I'll be heading bye!"

They left you there, but at least you had your boyfriend with you to cheer you up.

Sasuke's POV

Wow what a dick move. They kicked (Y/n) out and they congratulated her and just left like that!? If I find out where they live

"I'll kill them,"

"No need to do that, they're my only family....that I don't love,"

I hugged (Y/n) feeling sorry for her (oh wow, that's a shocker!

Stfu, Trini-


ugh fine)

"Thank you Sasuke-kun,"

We left afterwards to not get any attention from my fangirls, which they surprisingly left me alone....for once.

•At the Akatsuki base•

Your POV

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