Chapter Three

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That night she lay in the hotel bed staring up at the ceiling. Her ribs ached terribly, the running had not helped in the slightest and then she had done a full day of work, scrubbing, hovering, bending and tiding. She was in a lot of pain and sleep wasn’t coming to her. She would be very tired tomorrow.

                All day as she had gone from club to pub and so on. She had seen them staring at her, following her but making no attempt to approach her while she stayed where there was a lot of people around. Their looks of concern deepened throughout the day but she stopped looking at their faces after a while. She recognised their clothes and their build amongst the crowd and simply avoided them, staying in the midst of everyone.

                She didn’t dare let Tim out of her sight and despite the landlords not being too impressed she made him sit in a corner all day while she cleaned and glanced up at him every few seconds. He was bored all morning until at dinner she had bought him a colouring book to occupy him for the rest of the afternoon. She had bought him a MacDonald’s because it was a public place and she wasn’t going home. He loved it. She worried about money.

                When it came to finding a hotel in her price range she had groaned. The term ‘nothing fancy’ held a whole new meaning when faced with the room she got. It was tiny and needed work doing. The window was jammed shut and for that she was grateful. She bolted the door and got Tim in bed but she herself was so afraid of sleeping and missing any noises that could give away the followers trying to get in to the room that she didn’t drift off.

                She wanted an ice pack for her ribs but knew she couldn’t get one. In the end she wet a towel and pressed the cold material to her sides, it hurt to touch but the coolness felt nice. It didn’t help in sleeping though. She resigned herself to staying awake by the time she heard the birds singing. She still hadn’t made her decision. Running from two Alphas was a big thing and she didn’t know if she could pull it off. She couldn’t leave Tim alone in the world either and deep down she knew she had to meet this new Alpha. Or rather old one, she was the new one around these parts.

                A howling in the distance had her jumping a mile from the bed. She sat bolt upright and clutched her sides when pain shot through her. That was a werewolf call and it was loud and insistent. And meant for her.

                She could feel herself drawn to the noise, so much so she found her legs over the side of the bed, her body had every intention of following it even when her mind did not. The call came again and the urge to get out of bed was stronger. It was almost like she needed to go to the wolf making the noise. There was a lot of power behind, it could be no other than the Alpha and she knew delaying the inevitable would only anger him more but she couldn’t go, not yet, she wasn’t prepared. She hurt and Tim was asleep. She wouldn’t wake him and she wouldn’t leave him alone either.

                Eventually she had to huddle up in bed, tears streamed down her face. She didn’t know why but resisting that call had her feeling like she was grieving. It was terrible. She began to feel complete disdain for the wolf who was making her feel this way. She wanted to scream at him but the power of an Alpha scared her. She felt the pull inside, a steady pull that didn’t’ ease up and no matter how long she resisted it, it did not go away.

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