Sand Snakes

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Ronnika woke up to see vast clear bright blue ocean under bright sky and brilliantly shining sun, to melody of waves crashing on yellow seashore, her new home, Dorne. What a masterpiece it was. Everything was good, Tyrion was safe, she had Winterfell under her rule, she finally found her two cousins, got her deal with the Hound and she would deal with Little finger soon. Not to mention she was betrothed to a prince. She looked for Oberyn on the other side of bed only find warm empty sport in his wake and she frowned, small part of her was expecting him to find beside her, it was after all her first day in Dorne.

Her frown turned into small smile when Wild jumped onto the bed, licking her cheek and she patted her wolf, running her hand through his wild grey fur just as his name, sighing. Just as she about to get off the comfy bed. Doors opened, few hand handmaidens walked in. All of them were young, maybe somewhere around Sansa's age or older. One of them, a thin redhead with freckles on her cheeks, blue eyes made her way to bed.

"Good morning, Milady. Your breakfast is ready and so is your bath.", the girl spoke softly and Ronnika noted her accent, Dornish accent, something she had to get used to.

"What's your name ?", Ronnika asked curiously while Wild leaped off bed and made his way to breakfast table.

Redhead was surprised to hear that, her expression said it all," Aurora, Milady."

Ronnika was shook her head in amusement, the girl, Aurora looked so uncomfortable and surprised at the same time. "No need for formalities Aurora, you can just call me Ronnika. You remind me of one my cousins and speaking of cousins, where are my cousins ?" Ronnika asked as she jump of the bed and walked towards the breakfast.

"Milady," But Aurora stopped when Ronnika playfully glared at her," Ronnika, your cousins woke up and had their breakfast. They are at Prince Oberyn's personal training ground ." huh, personal training ground sounds interesting.

"Thank you." Ronnika said but she was surprised to find all her breakfast vegetarian and her brows furrowed," It's all vegetarian. How did you know I prefer vegetarian ?"

"Prince Oberyn." Aurora spoke quietly and a small smile made its way on Ronnika's lips, he remembered. She had breakfast and even asked Aurora to join her who politely declined, Ronnika didn't want to push her. She took a bath and dressed into Dornish attire, a yellow long dress with flowy and puffy thin material itched with small designs on sleeves which hung loosely around the shoulders, showing off generous amount her cleavage and dress stuck to her like second skin. She strapped her dagger on her left thigh beneath her dress, a precaution. Her brown hair perfectly curled in middle of her back and just as she was about to leave when Aurora stopped her.

"A gift from prince Oberyn." Aurora pointed at the golden bracelet which was to be worn on arm. It was a golden viper with red rubies which made its eyes, the only word that could describe it was majestic. Ronnika had never seen such red rubies, they were blood red and so beautiful yet held some aura of danger in it. Ronnika wordlessly picked up the bracelet and put it on, the viper coiled around her arm perfectly and the bright red rubies shined out more due her fair skin. She couldn't help but think it was Oberyn's physical claim on her, after all she did have a red viper coiled around her arm.

Ronnika made her to his personal training grounds with help Aurora who was a very shy girl but intelligent, Wild was trailing behind them just as her yellow dress. Aurora reminded her of Sansa, her naïve little cousin who was with Little finger at the moment. She just hoped Sansa was fine and healthy, the north was under her control and she wanted Sansa to rule it in her stead. The Hound would have been half the way to Vale by this time she thought.

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