First Day

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Sabrina's pov
"Sabby wakey wakey" Sarah said

"Ugh,five more minutes"

"ITS 7:30!" she yelled

"No need to yell"

I wore my favorite outfit and went down to eat breakfast then we head off to school

"Hey Rowboat" i said to rowan

"Hey Sabbycat"

"So whats your schedule?"

"History,Spanish,Math and Music, how about you?"

"History,Spanish,Math and Science.We have all class together except Science and Music"

"Good Morning Class.I am Ms. Conrad your adviser I will be teaching you History this year"

"Morning Ms. Conrad"everyone said

"So today you are having a project which cause 50% of your grade this semester"she said and everyone sighed and groaned

"You will have partners which I will pick" she said while everyone groaned

"Rowan and Peyton M., Austin and Olivia...Sabrina and Bradley..." she said

"Now go to your partners"

"Hey Sabby"Bradley said

"Hey Brads"

"So lets get started"

"I'm sorry but what are we gonna do?"

"Were gonna make a scrapbook about the American history" he said smiling

"Oh okay"
A couple of minutes later

"The due date of your project is By the end of the month" Ms. Conrad said

And the bell rang, next class Spanish...


"Whats wrong sabbycat?" Rowan asked

"I have so many homework"

"Calm down,so whats next in your schedule?"

"Music,Health,P.E. and Arts"

"I have Science,Health,Arts and Language"

"Well then see ya"
"Hey Sabrina"

"Oh Hey Corey"

"Good Afternoon class.I am Mrs. Dabney your new music teacher so first things first youre gonna have a project you will make a song with your partner this is 30% of your grade this semester" she said and we all groaned

"Austin and Olivia,Bradley and Piper,Sasha and Cole,Sabrina and Corey..." she said

"Hey partner sab"

"Hey pertner Cor"
And we both laughed

"So come over to my house and we'll work with the project" I said


At home
Knock knock

"Oh hey Brads what brings you here?"

"Oh yeah,I'm just here to tell yoy that were gonna work on our project tomorrow at my house" he said smiling

"Oh ok"

Knock knock

"Hey partner Cor"

"Hey partner Sab"
And we kept on laughing

"So lets start" he said

"So what song"

"How about or nah"



"How about you see one of my songs"

"Sure that would be easier"

(Starts to song Eyes Wide Open)

"Wow thats really nice sabby"

"Aww..thanks corey"

"We are totally doing that song"


"Duh that was amazind sabby"
"Bye partner Corey"

"Bye partner Sabrina, i mean sabby"

Hope ya like it😆

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