2 Years Later

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Sabrina's pov
Xavier and are dating for 2 years now,today is our anniversary. Anyways I'm already 18 I'm in 12th grade now,for my friends here in Chicago Katie and Cole broke up 3 months ago but made up about 2 hours ago so their good, Katelyn and Carl are still together happily while my friends in California, Rowan and Peyton Meyer are dating,Corey and a girl named Janet are dating, Paris and Austin are dating, Piper and Jake are dating, Olivia is still Olivia and Bradley and the rest are single. And yes me and Jake are no longer friends because of me dating Xavier anyways we have one last semester left then were gonna graduate. Today as I said is mine and Xavier's anniversary it's a Saturday so I went to his house to surprise him but i saw the reason why he couldn't hang out with me he's making love with another girl they were both half naked. And I cried. " XAVIER WERE DONE" i yelled and ran to my car and drove off.
The following day
X:Baby please forgive me

S:Look Xavier you broke my heart on our 2 year anniversary,it's not that fucking easy!

X:ugh...fine maybe i'll be happier without you!!

S: Then fine

"Good Morning Class" Ms. Rosa said."Good Morning" we all said. Today is our final examination. 1 Hour Later

Ms. Rosa was telling us our scores.

Cole- B-

Tasha- C

Katie- A

Katelyn- A-

Carl- B+

Nikki- A

Xavier- B+

Laura- C+

Sabrina- A+

Then blah...blah... and she congratulated us and we went to our next class which is History. 1 Hour Later

Mr. Matthews told us our scores

Cole- A

Tasha- B-

Katie- C

Katelyn- A-

Carl- B+

Nikki- C

Xavier- B-

Laura- A-

Sabrina- A+ as always

Then he congratulated us. Then all my subjects I got A+ or A.

Yay! were gonna graduate in 2 days. Then after that I'm going back to California.

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