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Sabrina's pov
Today's the day I'm going to graduate the ceremony will start 1 sharp and it's 11:45 already.Shit. I have to get ready. " Morning sis" shannon said. " Good Morning" i said. "You excited?" Sarah asked. Of course " i said.

Rowan's pov
Yay! I'm gonna graduate today. Woo. 11:55 . Shit. The ceremony starts at 1 sharp. I have to get ready.

During The Ceremony
"Rowan Blanchard" the speaker said,so I went up the stage and got my diploma. And sooner finally were done.

Sabrina's pov
Wow. I finally graduated my friends congratulated me ,I also congratulated them. We were so happy but one thing didn't make them feel happy, I'm moving back to California.

" Aww Sabby, do you really have to leave?" Katie asked me

"Yeah Sabby but if we can't hold you back it's okay as long as you won't forget us" Carl said.

"Aw..guys I'll never forget you ever plus we can hangout whole day tomorrow" I said.

"Sure Sab whatever you say,how are you and Xavier you' Cole asked.

"Um..we..we kinda ...broke up" i said sadly.

"Who broke up,you or him?" Katelyn asked.

" Me" i said.

" Wht did he do?" Katie asked looking like she was gonna kill someone.

" Well, since I cant lie to you guys,umm...during our anniversary he made love with the school brat" i said about to cry.

"OMG. You mean Samatha" Katie asked.

I nodded.

Bradley's pov
We graduated today it was so fun but I still miss Sabrina though, I wonder how she is. If you're wondering where Peyton and Bridgette is. Well Peyton moved to New York and she accepted the fact that we were done. While for my devil sister who ruined my life she's in prison. Why?. Because she stabbed a boy in his chest because she was deppresed that I dont take her as a sister.

Sabrina's pov
The Following Day
"Hey weirdo" sarah said." Hi sissy where's Shannon?" I asked. " Work as always" she replied. " Oh..well were moving back tomorrow,huh?" I said. And she nodded and left.

Knock knock
" Hey Sabby" Xavier said." Oh hey, what do you want?" I said. "Look I'm sorry for what i said and did and I understand if you won't forgive me" he said sadly and walked out." Xavier wait! You did broke my heart with what you said and did and I'm forgiving you but we are only friends. Okay?" I said. "Okay" was all he said and he left.

#Brabrina #ForeverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz