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Sabrina's pov
" Sarah let's go" i said

"Be there sis" she said

"Hurry" i said

" Let's go "

"Sabbycat,Sarabear" Rowan said."Hey Rowboat" we both said."Come enjoy the pool and party" she said."sure" Sarah said.

"Hey Sabby" somebody said." Oh hey Brads" i said." Lets have fun" he said." What kind of fun? " i said jokingly." Hahaha very funny sabby" he said and he threw me too the pool and jumped to me."i'm geeting you for this Bradley!" I said."oohh I'm so scared" he said sarcastically.And I playfully punched his arm.

"Hey Sabby can you come with me?" Bradley asked

"Umm..sure but where?" I said

"It's a surprise "

"Oh okay"

Bradley took me outside to the front yard and said...

" Sabrina Ann Lynn Carpenter,I love since the first day we met but I was forced to date Peyton since we broke up I want to be with you know. Will you be my...Girlfriend?" He said. I was in total shock." Yes yes yes yes yes of course" i said." I love you " he said." I love you too" i said. And he kissed me.

Peyton's pov
OMFG. Bradley kissed Sabrina.Ughhhhhh....I'm so killing Sabrina!

Jack's pov
Jesus Christ.That Bradley boy kissed my Sabrina he's so dead to me!

Bradley's pov
Yass!! She said yes,she said yes.I'm so happy. I hope nothing can break our relationship. But i know peyton will.
" So dude did sh say yes?" Jake asked

"Yup dude" i said

" So what will Peyton do?"Austin said."I dunno as long as I dont like or love her anymore" i said." Dude she saw you and Sabrina she looked very mad and jealous" jake said." Ugh if she ruins my life i'll ruin hers" i said." Hey Brads did my bestie say yes?" Rowan asked with Piper and Paris by her side starring at me." Yup she did but our only problem now is peyton (L)" i said." Ugh..what about her?" Piper said." Well she looked mad and jealous" Jake said." So if she ruins anything I'll ruin her" Paris said.

Sabrina's pov
Yay! i finally have what i've always wanted being with Bradley." Hey Sabrina" Peyton (L) said Oh No."oh hey Pey" i said." You know you and Bradley are no match for each other he loves me and always will he doesnt love you" she said.Ouch." Why do you have to be so jealous Peyton can you just understand that he's mine already" i snapped at her." Nobody snaps at Peyton List" she said."Oh really? Cause I just did" i said and walked away. And with that she slapped me and pushed her to the ground and walked away.

Bradley's pov
I wonder where Sabrina is. Oh wait there she is crying but why?. " Sabby why are crying?" I asked

" No reason" she said.

" I'm serious babe"

" Ugh fine, your freaking ex girlfriend yelled at me and slapped me"

" Where is she?"

" Dont worry I took care of her"

" I'm so sorry"

" It's not your fault brads"

" I love you"

" I love you too" And we kissed.
Is this long ar short please comment!

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