♡Chapter 9♡

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♡Robin's P.O.V♡
Ever since yesterday I've been a little over protective on Starfire. I'm taking care of her and simply checking on her on the couch.

"ROBIN!!!" Starfire screams.

I ran into the room and I accidentally fell on the floor. Star then looks at me and she sighs.

"Um sorry Star I had to do something but I'm right here for you." I told her.

"Slade. Your researching on Slade aren't you?" Star asks me.

"Yes." I replied.

"Robin I thought I was important to you. You are in a relationship with me. Remember your having a baby with me, Robin. What's more important family or Slade?" Starfire says.

"You are. I'm sorry Star I didn't mean to ditch you. I love you Star I just want to have a baby with the one I love without anyone in our way." I replied.

"Robin please don't worry about Slade. Right now I need you. Most importantly our baby needs you. I can't raise him/her by myself. Please help me Robin you said it yourself your happy to have this baby with me." Star says.

Starfire is totally right I did say that. I am happy about having a baby with Star. I need to help her out with the baby.

"Star I'm so sorry I wasn't planning to hurt you. May I sit with you?" I replied.

"Yes of course you can your my boyfriend Robin." Starfire nods.

I sat down with Star and hold her hand as I explained myself.

"Star I'm not sure what...um I wondering how our life is going to turn out to be. But I'm really afraid of you getting into danger and if your gone then I wouldn't know what to do. I'm going to be here for you Star just give me a little bit of time to think about how to raise a child." I told her.

"Robin I know you don't know how to but I will for you help you out. I may not know how but will get through this together okay." Starfire replies.

"Yeah okay I'll help you out. So what did you call me in? Are you hungry? Did you need anything to drink? Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Um no I wanted you to spend some time with me and the baby. But I am getting a craving for something to eat. Can you make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich please?" Starfire says smiling.

"Sure anything for you Star." I replied.

"Thanks Robin I love you." She says.

"I love you Koriand'r." I gave her a smirk.

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