♡Chapter 17♡

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♡Robin's POV♡
"Robin." Starfire shouts from in the hallway. I ran into the corridors and Starfire walks in with a crying Ginger. "I can't calm her down I've tried for 10 minutes but it's not working out." Starfire replies. "It's okay Star don't cry. I'm right here." I replied. I took Ginger in my arms and she automatically calms down as I started rocking her softly to sleep. Alain was fast asleep in the baby room. As Ginger fell asleep I went to the baby room and walked into the main room. Starfire sits on the couch depressed. "Starfire you okay?" I asked. She flies over to me and hugs me tightly. "I'm fine." Starfire replies. "You sure you haven't been crying this much." I brush her tears out her face. She smiles.

"You wouldn't mind having another baby do you Robin?" Star asks me. *sighs* "Oh Star. If that's what will make you happy then I don't mind." I replied. Starfire looks up at me and she smiles. "Really Robin you don't mind?" Star looks shocked. "Sure if you want to have another baby I'm fine with it." I replied. "Thanks for understanding Robin." Starfire replies hugging me. "Your welcome you are my Star." I replied. "I love you Star." "I love you too Robin." Starfire replies.

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