Greater is He

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For every broken heart that is praying; for every parent that is stressed out and overwhelmed because of what is happening with their child; for every person that is struggling to find a way to live in this world with no money, no job, and no resources on the horizon; for every person that feels as though they are drowning in depression, anxiety, and fear; for each person who is afraid the numbness they feel is going to be permanent and they will always be just existing instead of living. We pray for you, our Healer, to intervene. We bind the enemy in the name of Jesus. We pray for the strength to say, "I can't do this, but my God can, and greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world." We need to be infused with radical hope here. We ask to meet You in these dark valleys in ways we have never known before. We ask that You lead us beside the still waters and that You restore our souls. 

                                                                 ~ Debbie Kay ~

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