Trust in the Lord Always

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We all have our days where we feel we can't survive. Sometimes dreams are shattered, friendships may fall apart, loved ones may hurt us, finances may worry us, sickness mah overtake us, and we may even lose people we love. But God will ALWAYS be there to guide us through even the toughest of times. Never lose faith and hold onto hope. Trust in God always! 

God has brought you through before, and He will bring you through again. Make a decision, each day, to chose faith over fear.

Always remember, you may be in a tough time, but the enemy always fights you the hardest when he knows God has something great in store for you. 

Nothing can stand against our God. Whatever you face in life, if you will just hold your peace and remain at rest, God promises He will fight your battles. He will make a way even when you don't see a way.

In Proverbs 3:5-6 the Bible says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." In the darkest moments in our lives, it can be difficult to have faith that everything will end in His perfect will. Satan constantly drops doubt and fear into our hearts, causing the visions of a brighter future to blur. As we become overwhelmed, we begin to question God, asking Him what we have done to deserve this trial or tribulation, and how if He only gives the most difficult of circumstances to His strongest soldiers,  then why does the situation seem more than we can bare. Though this cross we carry can sometimes feel heavier than we expected, we can be rest assured that Jesus is right there whispering, "I know how it feels to carry the burdens of this life. I carried the weight of the world upon my shoulders as I walked up Mount Calvary to give My life for you. Although the pain was unbearable, I knew that it would all be worth it, for because of my death and resurrection, you may now inherit life, and have it more abundantly. Although this situation you are going through may seem overwhelming and impossible to overcome, if you just trust in my perfect plan for your life, continue to praise me in the storm, and have faith that you will make it through, you will come out of this fight stronger than ever before, and the reward will be worth all of the difficulty and tribulation that assailed you through those darkest moments. Know that you aren't in this alone, for I am fighting for you, that you may be filled with a peace that passes all understanding, and that when the next trial comes your way, you will know that if you just trust in Me, that everything will turn out the way I have planned it, long before you were even born." So you see, we may not understand why we are going through these difficult situations in our lives, and the devil wishes us to think that he will bring us down and we will be defeated in the end. But God is one step ahead of Satan, and knows that although you are going through these difficult times, you will come out of the darkness victorious over all that assails you, and your faith and trust in the Lord will be even more steadfast and immovable. If we will simply place our faith and trust in Him, He will take us by the hand and lead us out of the darkness and into the light, and show us our reward that we have been fighting for all this time. When we refuse to allow Satan to overtake us, and fix our eyes toward God's perfect plan for our lives, the Lord will continue to guide us and direct us toward our final destination, our eternal life with Him in Heaven, where when we enter into His gates, He will say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

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