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"The enemy tricks us into believing we are not good enough because he knows if we discover the truth we will be unstoppable."
~ Holley Gerth ~

Yes I am a Christian. Yes I can be the biggest hypocrite ever. I backslide. I stumble. I fall. I stray onto the wrong path. But God is working in me. I may be a mess, but I am His mess. And He is slowly straightening me out. And the day will come when I will be by His side, His work in me completed. And until that day I will take His hand, and will let Him do in me whatever needs to be done, no matter how painful it will be for me. When He is finished, it will all be worth it.

Be so busy loving God, loving others, and loving your life that you do not have time for regret, worry, fear, or drama!

When people tell me I'm "missing out" on life because I am a Christian- because I do the right thing- all I have to say is, "The reason I choose to live the way I do is because God has something so much better in store for me. Why would I want to clutter up my time, my mind, and my relationships with things that will fade, when I can have something eternal: something that will last forever. I delight in His Love and in His Calling, and I want nothing more than to be a light for Him and His Name."

All I want in this life is for people to look at me and say, "Wow, she really loves Jesus."

Your life as a Christian should make nonbelievers question their disbelief in God.

The enemy will try to limit your praying because he knows your praying will limit him!

The enemy isn't fighting you because you're weak; he's fighting you because you're strong.

The devil cannot stop God from answering your prayer, but he can stop you from praying those prayers. Don't let him!

Satan knows how dangerous you are with a heart full of faith, so he attacks you with doubt and unbelief. Keep praising God and giving Him glory. Faith will ride in your heart and you WILL OVERCOME!

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