It's All About Grace

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It's all about grace,
not about the works . . .
it's all about freedom
with eternal perks.

For grace is liberating,
it's soul freeing too
and it's not something
you get, by what you do.

It's all about grace,
God's mercy and favor
it's all about believing . . .
Jesus is the Lord and Savior.

For grace is forgiving,
there is no cost to you
Jesus paid the price in full
leaving us nothing left to do.

It's all about grace,
the confession of sin
it's all about repentance
that comes from deep within.

For grace will set you free,
from the inside out . . .
it'll cast out every fear
take away all the doubt.

It's all about grace,
liberating and freeing
it will turn you away from
the sinful life you're living!

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