Just a Head's Up!

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Hey ya'll! I just wanted to give everyone a head's up about next week. Starting Monday, I will be at my annual church youth camp; therefore, I will not have my phone or laptop with me because #1: they aren't allowed, and #2: there is very little service where we will be staying. My phone will be turned off probably around Sunday night or Monday morning and I will not be able to get back on until next Friday at around one or so. I will try to get a couple of extra inspirational updates posted for y'all the rest of this week to cover while I'm gone. If any of you have any emergency prayer requests while I am gone, I will attempt to check my phone each night next week before I go to bed, but with the poor service available, I can't guarantee I'll be able to. However, I will still be praying for each and every one of you!
I also ask that you would keep my youth camp in your prayers, that The Lord would touch lives and move in a miraculous way! Love all of y'all! God bless!

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