Chapter 12: Don't...

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Stans POV~

I ran to the bathroom with Kenny and Butters behind me I started banging on the door.

Stan: "KYLE DON'T!"

Kenny: "What's going Stan?"

Stan: "Just help me get him out of there! KYLE UNLOCK THE DOOR!" I used my right hand to try and open the door and my left to bang my fist against the door.

Token: "Hey, hey, hey what did my bathroom ever do to you?" He says that with a chuckle walking over to us.

Butters: "We're trying to Kyle out of the bathroom."

Token: "Why is taking forever or something?"


Kenny: "Wow.... calm down Stan!" Just then I heard a faint sound of metal hitting the floor.

Stan: "KYLE!" I started banging on the door harder thinking that it would help.

Token: "Listen dude if you want him out so badly I'll get a screwdriver to try and open the door." I didn't say anything I just kept banging on the door yelling Kyles name.

Butters: "I think you better get that screwdriver quickly." I lost my energy and knelt down with right hand still on the doorknob.

Kenny: "Do think you could tell us what you're worrying about now?" I couldn't say anything I just kept thinking about Kyle.

Kyles POV~

I heard Stan banging at the door. I dropped the razor I kept in my shirt pocket on the floor by accident. I think Stan heard it though because he started pounding on the door a lot louder than before. I looked at my arm and at all the blood.

I don't know why I started to do this after what happened in the closet. I just needed to release some stress. Stan told me he loves me. Why does he do this to me? Is he trying to play some sick joke on me? No one in their right mind would love me.  Look at me; I am a worthless piece of junk.

I stood up and looked in the mirror. My eyes were all puffy from crying and my hat was all crooked. My awful red hair was everywhere. Just then the thudding at the door stopped. I knew it, no would waist a single breath on me. They're all just acting, they all hate me really.

I pick up the razor again and started to cut my right arm this time. I'm not left handed so it felt real strange and all the lines were wobbly instead of strait. It makes my freckled covered arm look worst than it already is.

All of a sudden the door flung open and the loud music blasted through the bathroom.

Stan: "KYLE!" Stan runs over to me and locks my in an embrace. With my razor still in my hand and my bloody arms I pushed Stan off me. I then looked at the door way and opened my mouth a little At the sight of Kenny, Butters, Token, Clyde and Cartman all stood there in shock. I dropped the razor and quickly hid my arms behind my back. Not doing a very good job might I add. I looked down trying to cover my tear stained face.

Stan POV~ (I love writing in Stan POV I dont know why XD)

Stan: "Kyle?" I put my hands on his shoulders. He winces when I touch his shoulders at first I was confused. I grab the buttons of his shirt. He tries to stop me, but I'm stronger. I got the shirt off his torso and stepped back. I couldn't believe my eyes.

He had cuts not only on his arms but on his shoulders, his chest, stomach and bruises on his sides. This must be from the constant bullying. Why have I never noticed this before? I should have stopped the bullying, but I didn't. I thought it was just a joke. I didn't know how badly he was getting hurt. Then again, what could I do to stop this? I don't even know who's doing this to him.

He flops down and puts his head and in knees. All I can do is stand there looking at him. How did I not notice the ones on his stomach when we were making out? I thought I told him to stop. Wait..... no I didn't. I let the lust in me take over and kissed before I could tell him to stop!

Stan: "Kyle?"

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