CHAPTER 13- Finale

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I can't keep up with what everyone's saying. There's just way too much on my damn mind. "You good?" Peter asks me. I just nod at him and brush off his question. As we're arriving to the house where the party's at, I'm amazed at how beautiful it is. It's much more larger than the other houses. The yard is filled with people sitting around drinking and making s'mores by the fire they lit up.

As we walk inside the home, more of a mansion, I can see and tell everyone's already having a blast. I'm not sure if Tobias is here or whether or not he's going to show up. If he wanted to be with me, he would've made sure I knew so. I feel like he was just trying to push me away, and I honestly don't have time for games.

Someone hands me a cup of beer, and I take a sip. I'm enjoying everyone's company and as I'm standing there all dazed, I look up to scan the room and see if I recognize anybody else, and I make eye contact with him.

Evans standing across the room, and staring at me, and I'm enjoying every second of it. The way his eyes scan me from head to toe makes me feel some type of way. I give my cup to Eric to hold as I decide to stupidly walk up to Evan. "Hey there, stranger." I say to him. "Well look who decided to show up." he says to me smirking. "You really thought I was gonna miss this party? Who knows, maybe I'll finally get high!" I joke around with him and he smiles and scans the room. "Where's Mr. Muscles?" he asks me curiously. "You don't have to worry about him anymore, because I know I won't be." I say and stare at the floor, but I can tell he smiled when I said this, like as if he was relieved. A few minutes go by, and the Dj starts to play one of my favorite songs.

Evan grabs my hand gently and firmly and we start walking towards a group of people who are handing the night away. "What are you doing?" I ask confused. "We, are going to dance." and I feel some hardcore butterflies. We move our bodies and feet to the rhythm of the song. He soon slides his arm down to my waist and I move my arms up to his neck. As we're dancing, our faces are coming closer and closer together. He puts one of his hands on my cheek and brings us so close together that are noses are aligned together. We're looking into each others eyes, and before I know it, are lips are connecting. The touch of his lips are so smooth and soft and they feel amazing. We decided to leave the dance floor and go upstairs to not draw much attention to ourselves. As we're about to enter a room, I say "I'll be right back, I'm gonna head to the bathroom really quick." and peck him on the lips for a few seconds and he smiles and nods to me.

The rush of adrenaline is hitting me hard. Not being able to find the damn bathroom is killing my vibe though. I opened a few wrong doors, but then I opened one, and I saw Anna on the floor balling her eyes and practically screaming. Caroline was just standing beside Anna and she looked so pale. My color and mood dropped watching the view in front of me. I came in and closed the door behind me. "Anna, tell me what's wrong!" I was beginning to worry more and more as I watched her have a mental breakdown.

"I can't lose them-" she tries saying through her sobs. I drop to my knees and try to talk to her, "Lose who? Please tell me what's going on." I try saying as calmly as possible. I look up at Caroline and she looks as if she's about to pass out.

She moves her behind her ears and makes eye contact with me through her reddened swollen eyes. "I got a call from the morgue... They were in an accident. A truck hit them from the side of the car-" She begins to say and I'm confused. "Anna.. Who's 'they'?" She wipes more tears away and pauses for a few seconds. "Jace, the father of my unborn child, Eric, the love of Caroline's life, and Tobias, the only brother that has always been there for me. I'm pregnant and he might be dead." she begins sobbing hysterically again.

I can't move.. I was talking to Tobias less than 6 hours ago. I was right in front of him, he was right here. this can't be possible. "What do you mean you got a call from the morgue?" I say as I try to hold back my tears. "Two of them made it and they're at a hospital with serious injuries. One of them... they're dead. I have no clue who's alive and I can't take this." she yells as she tries to let out her tears. I grab her and hold her, embracing her in my arms.

I don't know how to process any of this. He might be dead. I try to brush off the negative thoughts. I hear a creak as the door opens and see Evan standing there with red, watery eyes.
"Come on, I'm driving us to the hospital." he says through the pain he's trying to hide behind his voice. I stare at him and he walks over to embrace me.

The drive to the hospital was about 25 minutes. The longest 25 minutes of my life. Not knowing whether or not your friends are alive, destroys you slowly. We walk and Evan immediately tries to ask for help in finding out who survived.

"The nurse said the two survivors were moved to the ICU, so we should head up there and find out what happened." he leads us to the elevator and silently go up. "How long are you?" I ask Anna in a low voice. "4 months." she says smiling through her tears. "4 hours ago-" I hear Caroline mumble under her breath. "What Caroline?" I ask her to repeat. " He proposed to me 4 hours ago. We were gonna tell everyone tonight at the party, but-" she goes blank and stares down the distant hallway of the ICU as the elevator doors open. I can't help but feel sorry for them. We head down to find the doctor were supposed to talk to. We find the doctor standing by a nurses desk. He was called Dr. Kronin. He explained to us how to accident occurred and mentioned something unusual. He said how there were 3 survivors out of the 4 people.

"They told us there were only 3 people in the car and only two made it?" Anna says surprised and unsteadily. And the doctor explained how there could be mistakes, but I didn't care. I needed to know who was alive. The doctor finally decided to take us to the survivors rooms'. We're walking down the hallway and the first door that he opens, Eric lays with many injuries, including a broken leg and bruises all over. All I could hear were the machines in the room and Caroline crying out of happiness. We leave her and head down to the second room. Lying in the bed, was Jace. Anna rushes over to his side, kisses his forehead, and squeezes his hand. She had tears of happiness strolling down her face. She leaves his side and makes her way back over to us, "I need to find out if my brother made it." She says and we leave to go to the last and final room. My eyes are shut when the doctor opens the door and reveals the identity of the final person. I can feel a hand on my shoulder which I could easily guess was Evan's, and I could hear Anna softly sobbing. I open my eyes and see Tobias lying there so lifeless with a tube down his throat.

"He's in a coma, 50 percent chance he'll wake, 50 percent chance he won't, I'm very sorry. We'll be doing everything in our power to try and have him wake up." I hear the doctor say. I feel like throwing up or fainting or maybe both. I storm out of the room and make my way back to the elevator. Evan follows me and tries to speak to me but all I wanna do is leave. "Are you okay?" he says softly whispering to me. "I wanna leave.." I begin to say. "I'll drive you back to the dorms-" he says. "No, not the dorms." I reply. "Then where?" "Away from here.. I wanna leave this city or maybe even country. I don't think I can stay here anymore." I say waiting for the elevator doors to open. "I'm coming with you then." he says to me in a serious tone. I turn and look at him confused. "No you're not-" I say. "Yes, I am. I wanna leave the city with you, travel with you, go through life with you. The only reason I haven't dropped out yet is because of you. So I'm going with you." He finishes and all I could do was stare at him as if he was a dream.

We get back to the University and Evan walks me to my dorm. "Meet me down by the car in 20 minutes. Pack whatever you can and let's get going." He says and pecks my cheek and walks off. I pack all my clothes and belongings and write a note for Christina and everyone else. I leave the note on her bed, shut the lights off, and lock the door.

Evan and I get in the car and drive off. We pass the University and leave behind our life here. We drive into what our future holds for us. I look out the dark window and have my hand held by a man I can tell will love me..

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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