Chapter 3

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(i only wanna tell you guys thank you so much for all the reads, likes, and comments! it means so much to me that people are actually reading my work! i hope you guys are enjoying everything so far<3 thank you! <3 and btw, sorry for my grammer, (capitalization, commas, etc. im lazy haha)

Once i saw him i started to blush. I asked myself why i'm even blushing, he hasnt even said anything to me nor have we made eye contact. But before i knew it, we just did. He spots me staring by teh cornor of my eyes, and he's walking towards me. "small world, huh" he says, smirking. "yeah i guess so" i say.

"what are you doing here though?" he asks me. "i just got done getting a tattoo actually," and i show him the three birds i decided to get. "it's ravishing." he tells me, and i once again blush. "hey,whats your tattoo?" i ask. "maybe i can show you during dinner?" he says. " sounds good to me". i say. and with that, Eve, Chris, and I walk off back to college and into our dorms, and head to sleep.

When i awaken, i find a text message from Tobias. "dinner,like you said, my place, 7:00 PM, if thats a reasonable time(:" . i text back, "sounds fine, i'll be there (: ". After classes, i spot Eric with a blonde. i think i know who she is but i can't make out her face, cause im so far away. As i start walking, i recognize her. She's in half of my classes to be exact. Her names Caroline Johnson, and shes actually pretty smart. Her hair is blonde, medium length, and tall. her eyes are a blue green, which make her skin look stunning. once she see's me her eyes light up. she starts walking toward me, and hugs me. she grabs my arm and walks off in the other direction of Eric, but i hear him screaming her name to come back.

"I'm so glad you came, you just saved me from something i just didn't have the nerves to talk about." she says and sighs. "Why were you with Eric?" i say cautiously. " Him and i are kind of thing. "since when?" i ask. "For a little while now, about 4 years." she answers back. "oh, i didn't think anyone would have the nerves to really date him." i say. " It's a struggle, but i love him, i really do. He may seem like an ass, act selfish, tell lies,but when im with him and hes with me, things are different. He has a soft side. "Thats really sweet," i tell her, "but he needs to act a lot nicer." i say and we both laugh and get some coffee. after we're done with that, we both say our farewells and head off. i start heading to Tobias' room. When i knock, expecting tobias to open the door, its not him. in fact the person who opened the door isn't a "him" at all.

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