Chapter 5

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(Hey guys! I just wanna start off by saying, thank you guys so much for all the views, comments, and votes. it honestly means so much to me knowing all you guys are reading my stories! I also have a question; do you guys think I should make an Instagram page for my fanfics? I'm honestly not sure if I should! I'd also like to apologize for the delay, and I was also wondering if you all could take the time to read my other story; Supernatural! I'm very committed to that story so it would mean a lot if you guys could take the time and check it out! anyway, thank you all again very much! p.s., not my best chapter aha.)

When we make our way to his balcony, my oh my, it's pretty big. I mean, not every dorm has a balcony this big, nor have one at all. " It's an amazing view." i say. " I know right." he responds back.

"Hey" i begin to say, " What's your tattoo? You said you'd tell me tonight." i say with a grin at my last sentence.

At first, he looks down, and i'm certain he's trying to hide a smirk or a smile. Then he looks up at me and asks, "You wanna see it?" and once he says that he does smile. It warms my heart the image of him smiling. It just makes me smile instantly. I nod.

He begins to lift up his shirt, making his full back tattoo visible.

I'm stunned and yet amazed. I honestly can't explain what the images I'm seeing are. " What is it?" i ask in a mellow voice too hypnotized in his tattoo. I study it hard, feeling and touching his back the whole time." he tells me. " and that's why your father is so.." I begin to say but linger and he nods in agreement. " well I for one wouldn't want to be symbolized by anything, I'm honestly happy by just being me." I say. " me too." he says in agreement.

" You know tris, these past few months have been, unforgettable, with you." he tells me. And I'm just lost staring into his eyes. I've been wanting to hear him say that, ever since I stepped foot on this college, again.

" I feel the same way Tobias." I say with a wide smile on my face. and before I know it, he leans in for a kiss. I kiss him back. And while kissing him, I was lost in amazement. he is truly amazing and I do love him, no matter what.

I slowly pull back from our kiss, it was really meaningful honestly. " I wanna take things slow." I whisper into his ear. " I understand." he tells me looking me In the eyes. I can't help it, I wish I could kiss him again, over and over again, but I have go control myself around him.

For the rest of the night we cuddled up, and decided to watch a movie together. the last thing I remember, was looking up at him, and seeing that he fell asleep.

By morning, I wake up and see that I'm still at Tobias dorm room. I guess I must've fell asleep with him while watching the movie. I quietly gather my things and head out without awakening Tobias.

By the time I make it to my dorm room, and unlock the door I see Chris ready to leave. "Well I see someone got laid tonight, am I right?" she asks me with a very big grin on her face. " Christina!" I yell and can't help but laugh and blush

" you actually are wrong, we fell asleep together watching a movie Pretty late." I say while gathering my books. " okay sure, whatever you say!" she tells me smirking and we both head out to our classes.

While on my way to class, I bumped into Caroline. " Good morning sleepy head!" she tells me with a warm smile. "Do I really look that tired?" I ask and we both share a laugh. " hey listen, I was actually gonna head down to the cafe and get a coffee, wanna go together?" she asks me. " sounds great!" I tell her.

When we make it down to the coffee shop, I spot Eric talking to a familiar blonde. Anna? Tobias sister? why's Eric talking to her?

Caroline makes her way to Eric and they give each other a long and warm hug, and then gives her a light kiss on the cheek. they start talking and whispering to each other, and I see Caroline laugh and smile. seeing her so happy makes me smile,

" Hey, I've seen you before right?" Anna turns to me and asks.

"Yeah, I came by your brothers dorm and you were there." I respond.

" Oh yeah! so are you guys like, dating?" she asks me.

"I honestly don't know." I say and we both laugh.

Something catches me off guard about her. and I really didn't like it. the whole time we were talking at the cafe, and our walk to class, she wouldn't stop staring and sending looks to Eric. and at times Eric would send them back.

I mean I don't understand, Eric isn't available for her, he's dating Caroline, and Anna knows it.

" Hey bea!" I hear Anna call me from across the classroom as we're being dismissed. "So listen, I was wondering if you could make it to the party." she asks me and hands me a flyer, with the address to a frat house.

" you don't have to worry, I'll be there along with the rest of us, Tobias will be there to, I'll make sure of it." she assures me and winks and walks away.

I catch up with Caroline after class in the hallways.

"hey Care, can I ask you something?" I ask caroline.

"sure, anything!" she tells me.

"do you know if Eric and Anna have history?" I ask unsurely.

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