Chapter 8

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{ Hey guys, new chapter!! I was wondering if you guys could help me out! how can I find out my password to this account if I used a fake email address? because I can't remember my password, wow how embarrassing :/ but I can't think of any other ways to find out my password. any help or ideas?? xo}

So it's the next morning. I wake and lay in my bed and think for a while, mainly because I woke up way too early than usual, and plus I have a tiny hangover.

who was that last night? and why did I feel the way I felt? the blonde headed guy was with friends last night too,and i saw a brown headed boy along with him that I noticed he was staring in my direction as well. and I couldn't tell what any of them were saying from a distance.

Christina's still not awake, I wonder why. I decide to get up and get ready since I'm not going to be going back to sleep anytime soon.

I take a short shower, then I go back to my dorm it get dressed and do my hair and makeup. my outfit today was causal, black leggings, with a plain white shirt. for my hair, I just did some loose curls, and added hairspray. for my makeup, I don't really do much, just some concealer, and black eye liner.

I organize all my books for my classes, and decide to review some of my notes. after about an hour passed, Eve texted me to meet her by the cafe for morning coffee.

when I head down, I see Eve, Caroline, and Anna.

"how's everyone doing?" I ask and can't help laugh at the end of it cause they all look beat up, probably too much drinking from last night.

"horrible. I've got a killer head ache and it hurts a lot." Eve says and she looks miserable! I give her an aspirin, I get my coffee, and we head to class.

I notice on my way there, Anna hasn't said anything the whole time I've seen her today.

as we walk to class, I swing by her desk, and take a seat next to her.

"hey, are you okay? I noticed you were upset yesterday over maybe a phone call?" I say to Anna.

"yeah, I'm fine, it was nothing." she tells me but doesn't turn to face me while she says it.

"you can talk to me whenever you want or even text okay?" I assure her, get up from the seat and make my wake across the room to my seat.

I notice Tobias and Eric walk into the room. but Tobias was acting unusual.

"hey." I say to him, but all he did back to me was smile.

did I do something wrong?

the teacher walks in, Mr.wild.

"Good morning class, how's everyone doing?" Mr. wild asks curiously.
but all everyone did was groan.

before he can continue and assign us out work, two males walk in and I know them, I recognize them, and as I look across the room, the face on Anna, tells me she knows them too.

it's the blonde head, and he has a friend with him, the brown headed guy.

the guys from last nights party? what are they doing in this class?

"Late again?" mr. wild says to the two troublesome boys.

he mumbles something to both of their ears and shoos their seats.

I look at Tobias and he hasn't said a word to me since last night, as he kissed me goodnight outside my dorm. I sigh, and he notices, but doesn't say anything.

"As I was saying ladies and gentlemen, you will be assigned a project--" I head mr. wild saying, but then I just started day dreaming and didn't hear a word after that.

"I will be assigning your partners for this project." mr. wild said.

everyone in the class started murmuring all around in confusion.

Tobias rose his hand in order to ask a question.

"yes mr. eaton."

"don't we get to choose our partners like every project?" Tobias asks.

"not this time,'I feel like everybody should get to know one another, really." he explains

and I'm just as confused as everyone else.

Mr. wild starts assigning who everyone's partners are. and I'm dazed out until he calls on me.

" miss. Prior, Beatrice, your assigned partner is, Mr. Evan Reed.

and once he says that I'm confused, because I've never heard if that name in this classroom. and I'm too distracted to look around the class to see who that is, because I'm too busy looking at Tobias's expression.

"Are you okay with us not being together for the project?" I ask him.

"Obviously not, but we can't do anything about it, and it sucks. who the hell is Evan anyway?" Tobias asks.

and before I can say anything further more, a man walks up to my desk, puts his books down, and says "I'm Evan." he says.

"Evan" is the guy that walked in with that other blonde guy.

Tobias gets up from his seat and goes to his assigned parter, and Evan sits down.

"so, Beatrice, where do you wanna work on the project?" Evan asks me.

"you can call me tris, and I'm not sure." I say.

"we can work on it in my dorm, if that's cool with your tough boyfriend." he mocks.

"I'm sure that'd be cool with him considering the fact that he's not my boyfriend."

"well it's settled, be at my dorm by 4:00." he assures me.

"So, are you and that blonde new here?" I ask out of my own damn curiosity considering the fact that it's been killing me to know who they were back at the party.

" Not really, I had this class at a different period, and so did my step-brother, oh yeah and his name is jace, if you were wondering ." he tells me and adds a wink to his sentence.

wait a minute, I'm not even entirely sure it was his brother that was handed me my phone last night. him and his brother both were staring in my direction, but I'm sure it was him who winked at me. I had way too many drinks last night anyway.

" didn't I see you at a party last night?" I ask him breaking the silence.

"yeah, and I saw you too, I'm pretty sure it was you." he says.

"I'm pretty sure you and your brother kept staring at me." I tell him and can't help but blush at the end of that sentence.

" Jace wasn't really intending to give off that impression, he was too busy staring at anna-" he begins to say and rolls his eyes at Anna's name.

" but I yeah I was the one that gave you back your phone." he says and smiles a little.

" and I was too busy looking at you, to be distracted by anna." he tells me and smiles yet again.

and I blush crazily over what he just told me.

why did he tell me this? what does it mean?..

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