Chapter 6

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I catch up with Caroline after class in the hallways.

"hey Care,can I ask you something?"I ask caroline.

"sure, anything!"she tells me.

"do you know if Eric and Anna have history?"I ask unsurely.

" Why are you suddenly interested in them?" she says to me.

" Just out of curiosity." i answer back with an uncertain chuckle.

"Well, they obviously known each other from high school. And peter and Four were like best friends back then, and yeah. Thats all i know of." She says to me.

I thank caroline for the info, yet i felt she was uncertain of a couple things.

After my day ended, i set off to my dorm to get ready for the party that ill be attending tonight.

I honestly feel like Chris and i have been drifting apart since we started college. She has her group of friends whom I've never properly met, and i have my friends. I mainly spend time with Eve and Caroline and some other girls from my classes.

As I'm opening my dorm door, i find Christina, reading a book, im not sure which one.

"Hey, whats up?" i say to her and then flash a smile.

"Nothing really, just finishing up a chapter of my book.

"Oh okay well um, Ive been thinking on my way here, why don't you come with me to a party?"

" A party?" she asks me.

"yeah! It'll totally be amazing if you came. it would give you a chance to meet my friends." i tell her.

"Um, why not! Ill be ready in 5 minutes." she tells me and she's off getting ready.

As we arrive to the party, i notice not many people are drunk, yet. As i spot Anna, i walk up to her, and i find the rest of my friends. I see Peter and Eve snuggled up on the couch together,and im honestly suprised, i never knew they had a thing for each other really.

I see Eric and Caroline talking and giggling in a corner and drinking out of a red cup, and im guessing its beer.

Tobias walks toward me and he doesn't even hesitate or think of saying anything else to me but come up to me and give me a big hug! He even lifts me in the air. I loved the fact he did that to me, i just like it.

I give him a small kiss on the cheek and he and i both blush.

I then of course take Chris to each on one of my friends and introduce her to them, even Peter and Eric, because honestly, i do consider them my friends.

"Hey, im gonna use the bathroom real quick, ill find you in a few." she tells and i nod at her.

I decided to find myself a bathroom as well, just to 'powder' my nose and add some lipgloss.

Ive never been to this frat house, so i pretty much have to look through every door.
After i fail to find a bathroom downstairs, i decide to head up stairs.
There really wasn't a lot of people upstairs, just a few couples.

I open a door to my left and find a bedroom, but as soon as i close the door behind me, i run into Tobias.

"Well hello there,what are you doing upstairs? Tobias asks me greetfully.

" Oh hey, I was just looking for the bathroom." I respond.

I feel awkward when I'm around him honestly. Like yeah, we kissed, a couple times, but what does it really mean? are we a couple or something cause I'm confused.

"It's at the end of the hall over there, I can wait for you, if you want." he Asks me.

"Oh no, it's fine. I'll just meet you downstairs, Peter was looking for you anyway, don't wanna keep him waiting." I say and we both laugh.

He heads downstairs, and I make my to the bathroom trying to figure out which door the bathroom is at.

I end up opening a door at random, but it wasn't the bathroom I was expecting to see behind the door. It was a bedroom, and inside the bedroom, were Eric and Anna.

"What's going on?" I manage to choke out.

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