Chapter 3: Khushi

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Khushi carefully poured tea into their best cups - the ones reserved for special guests - taking care so each held the same amount of liquid. She fished out their newest, prettiest sugar canister and poured sugar into it, placing it neatly on the tray of cups with five of the shiniest teaspoons she'd found. Then she arranged sweets on a second platter - jalebi and sugar free barfi - before taking a deep breath.

Devi Maiyya, please stay with me.

She walked to the living room slowly with the tea tray carefully balanced in her hands, and knelt in front of the coffee table to set it down. She exchanged a quick glance with her sister, who left the room to fetch the rest. The conversation faded into silence as everyone stared.

"This is Khushi," Babu-ji introduced her, "our younger daughter."

"Namaste," Khushi folded her hands in greeting, smiling at everyone in turn but skipping over him quickly to avoid catching his eye.

"Bless you, child," smiled the elderly lady, "I'll introduce you to our family. I'm Arnav's Nani, this is my son and daughter-in-law, and their son Aakash."

The heavily made up lady scowled as her husband smiled, and the bespectacled man brought his hands together and mouthed 'Namaste' when she looked at him. Jiji returned to the room, kneeling silently as she arranged the samosas and other snacks on the small table. His Nani continued the introductions.

"And this is my granddaughter, Anjali, Arnav's sister ... and of course, Arnav himself. Their mother was my daughter."

He's an orphan like me, Khushi remembered.

Her heart skipped a beat as she peeked at him, quickly looking away when he lifted his head to look at her. Her skin warmed under his gaze.

The elders continued their conversation about Lucknow's delights as Khushi served the tea, quietly asking each guest how much sugar they took before handing them their cups. 

"Bitiya, this is your last year of college?" asked his Mama as he reached for a samosa.

"Yes, Mama-ji. I want to be a teacher. I love being around children and have always enjoyed learning."

His Mama nodded, smiling, and his Mami's scowl disappeared for a few seconds as she bit into a samosa. She leaned over to whisper something to his Nani, who frowned in response.

"Bitiya, these samosas are wonderful. Did you make them yourself?" his Nani asked.

"Yes, Nani-ji. And the jalebi and barfi too."

"They're delicious! Khushi-ji, do you read?" his sister asked brightly.

"Yes, Anjali-ji. I like reading."

"I love reading! We should share our favourites ..." Anjali-ji looked quickly at her brother, "... later."

Khushi nodded, blushing as she thought of the copy of 2 States under her pillow, and turned to his cousin, who smiled as he took his cup.

Akshay-ji? No, Aakash-ji. Oh Devi Maiyya there are so many names to remember.

Khushi took the remaining cup and handed it to him, recalling Bua-ji's warning about his diabetes. He watched her, a frown marring his features. Khushi allowed herself to - finally - look at him up close as he accepted the cup with a faint expression of surprise. 

Electricity zipped through her as the tips of their fingers touched. She couldn't stifle a soft gasp at the shock of the contact.

RISHTAA: An Arranged Love (IPKKND AU) **ON HIATUS**Where stories live. Discover now