Chapter 16: Arnav

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He hadn't seen or heard from Khushi in four days, since he'd left her at the markets.

And really, it was for the best.

I know I'm not marrying her. But ... why do I keep acting as though I will?

He'd had thrown himself into work, focussing on contracts, meetings, and deals in a futile attempt to dismiss his inexplicable behaviour. His mind, when it wasn't distracted, had taken to tormenting him with recollections of her smile. He'd pulled out his phone and scrolled through her messages countless times in between meetings, smiling at her jokes and crazy observations before catching himself. Her pink pom-pom burnt a hole in his pocket.

Aware that the college semester had started, Arnav had kept his distance, waiting with uncharacteristic patience for a rejection from her father. But he wondered at the delay.

Has she told them about my girlfriends? Perhaps her father is willing to overlook my shortcomings, believing my wealth to be ample compensation.

Or has she kept silent, afraid of the consequences? Six failed alliances will not endear her to suitors.

The melancholy that had accompanied him for the last few days grew heavier at the thought of a seventh suitor, but Arnav dismissed it as he climbed the steps to his home. It was late, and he needed a coffee. 

There was a squeal of delight as he pressed the doorbell. The door opened to reveal Nani and Di, wearing identical grins. Nani took his aarti at the door.

"Nani! What are you doing?"

"I have to ward off the evil eye, son," she explained.

"What the--?"

Di dragged him inside by the arm, "We have some great news, Chhote, come and sit down!"

Mama, Mami, and Aakash looked up expectantly as Di led him into the sitting area.

"Uhh ... are you all okay?"

"Hello, hi, bye-bye. He's asking if we is phine."

"Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?" his patience frayed.

"Shashi Gupta called an hour ago," Nani began, and Arnav felt a tightening in his chest, "Khushi-bitiya said yes."

He heard the words dimly, as if they'd echoed to him through a long, dark tunnel.

"Khushi ... said ... yes?" he repeated softly.

"Chhote, you like her too, don't you?" Di asked eagerly, "Should we call and confirm? We can organize the Shagun for tomorrow evening, and hold the engagement next week."



"No one's organizing anything," Arnav spat, "There won't be any wedding."

"But Bhai ..."

"I said it once, Aakash. I won't repeat myself."

"Chhote," Nani's voice rose, "why are you refusing her? What possible reason could you have? You've met her so many times, and Anjali and Aakash tell me that you get along."

The problem was never Khushi.

Arnav closed his eyes at the bitter reminder of what he felt for her and how deeply he wanted her in his life. But he couldn't – wouldn't – trap Khushi by tying her down. She needed to be free to leave him if she ever wanted to.

I'm not exactly husband material.

"Chhote, please talk to us," implored Di, "tell us what's wrong."

RISHTAA: An Arranged Love (IPKKND AU) **ON HIATUS**Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ