Chapter 34: Khushi

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Khushi fiddled with the pendant contemplatively, tracing a finger around the pearls. It was Diwali, and though Arnav-ji had been away for some urgent international business, he'd returned in time for the occasion. A surprise had been planned in his absence, one that Amma and Babu-ji had embraced wholeheartedly, and Khushi and her sister had been laden with a small mountain of sweets to celebrate in Shantivan. She'd spent the afternoon helping with decorations and other preparations before Di had ushered them away to change for the party.

Will he like it?

She fussed with the pleats of her sari, studying her reflection in Di's mirror with a frown. She wore the ensemble Arnav-ji had selected for her, the red sari from their Shagun and the bangles he'd gifted. Garnet earrings from the matching set and his mother's necklace completed the outfit.

He'd arrived some thirty minutes ago — she'd heard his voice in the corridor — and though she'd briefly entertained the idea of knocking on his door, it still felt too bold and daring to be alone with him. To want to be alone with him.

Besides, there was Di's surprise to think about.

Turning away from the mirror with a smile, Khushi unlocked the doors and ventured outside, anticipation quickening her pulse and adding a bounce to her step. His eyes found her instantly when she came down the stairs. He froze in the crowd of guests, his gaze roving up and down her form in a way that made her want to hide herself. Khushi took a shaky breath as she stepped towards him, but was intercepted on her way to his side by Jiji.

"You look beautiful," her sister gushed, leading her away by the arm, "Is that the sari they gifted you for the Shagun?"

Khushi glanced back to where her heart wanted to go. He was still staring.

"Y-yes," she blinked away from him, "Arnav-ji picked it out."

"He has excellent taste."

His gaze seemed to burn between her shoulder blades. "He does."

Her pulse roared in her ears, an incessant thrum that urged her towards him. He was calling to her, his body somehow singing to hers. It was a song she recognised in her bones. Her eyes found him again, now so much closer, and a tremble went through her with each step he took.


Khushi startled into awareness, numbly recognising that Di had been calling her name.

"I'm sorry Di," she tried to smile, tucking a curl of hair behind her ear, "Is everything okay?"

"Chhote wouldn't have lit the diya in his bedroom and poolside. I think we should send someone to check."

"I'll do it," Khushi grasped the chance to escape with both hands.

"I saw Om Prakash-ji over ..." Di trailed off uncertainly, craning her neck to see into the crowd.

"I'll do it, Di, it's not a problem."

A quick glance at Arnav-ji, now detained by a man in a suit, and then she fled upstairs before he could see her. Inside his bedroom, she stopped and took two calming breaths.

What is happening?

He looked so handsome today.

No, not only handsome.

She blushed. The grey-blue shirt he wore brought out his eyes and the black suit fitted him so well that her hands trembled with the desire to touch his shoulders. And his hair. And his ...

Oh Devi Maiyya.

Snatching a box of matches from the small table, Khushi stepped out to where unlit diya lined the pool. The simple repetition of lighting diya for his health and prosperity calmed her, bringing clarity to her thoughts as she worked. 

RISHTAA: An Arranged Love (IPKKND AU) **ON HIATUS**Where stories live. Discover now