Chapter 30: Arnav

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The wind screamed in his ears.

His left hand worked the clutch as he changed gears with his left foot, and the engine responded instantly. He leaned into a turn, adjusting the brake with his right foot as he shifted his weight slightly to compensate for the change in centre of gravity. The motorcycle tilted precariously, bringing the tarred surface of the road so close that he could reach out and touch it.

Then he straightened out, staring through his helmet at the two kilometre stretch of perfectly straight road ahead.


He changed gears again, relishing the roar of of the engine as the bike picked up speed. Fast, and then faster, until everything was a blur. His body and mind entered that unique state of hyperawareness he associated with this method of transport – his thoughts raced, considering everything from the wind speed to the slickness of the road to the likelihood of another vehicle approaching from the other direction. His muscles reacted to every bump in the road, every pothole and obstruction he avoided by weaving left and right. He was aware of everything.

A heady sense of power came over him. There was nothing he relished more than this, the feeling of being able to bend even physics to his will with the power of two hundred horses beneath him.

It was better than sex.


Arnav couldn't stop a grin as he slowed the bike down to a more reasonable speed, making a series of familiar turns to rejoin Delhi traffic. He headed towards Laxmi Nagar, his pulse quickening at the thought of seeing Khushi.

I wonder how she'll like the bike.

He imagined her mouth falling open in shock as she took in his dark jeans, long sleeved T-shirt and black leather jacket. His mind was instantly diverted, imagining the feel of her as she pressed against his back, her hands around his waist and her legs astride the bike. His body threatened to ignite.

Four more months, Arnav.

He squealed to a stop in front of her house, taking a moment to lower the kickstand before taking his foot of the brake. He slid off the helmet and ran a hand through his hair. Khushi had pointed out that it needed a trim last week, but he still hadn't gotten around to it. Arnav swung his leg over and stowed the helmet before making his way to her door. He paused, looking down at himself, and grinned.

I look like a troublemaker of the worst kind.

"He's here!" Khushi's voice rang out at his knock, "Babu-ji, I'll be back before ten as usual."

He tried to pat down his hair as he waited. Her family had been reluctant to allow unchaperoned meetings in the evenings, even after their engagement, but Nani and Di had managed to convince them to allow it. There was a never-ending list of rules, including a strict curfew that he found stifling, but it was better than not seeing her outside of the family gatherings Di organised.

Khushi rushed outside, barely sparing him a glance as she shut the door behind her.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I was cooking for Amma and then Bua-ji wanted ..." she trailed off as she turned.


Her mouth fell open as her gaze raked over him. "What are you wearing?"

"I have a surprise for you," Arnav took her hand, "I think you'll like it."

Khushi gave him a tentative smile as she allowed him to lead her off the verandah. He felt a tug on his hand as they approached the bike, and turned around to find that she'd frozen.

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