Chapter 12: Arnav

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Sunday afternoon found Arnav pacing the length of his bedroom, aware that Nani and Di expected a response from him by the end of the day. He looked at his still and silent phone, willing Khushi to contact him.

Stay away, Arnav.

Everything about her - her traditional ways, her religious devotion, her goddamned pom-poms - should've sent him running. And yet, his mind played out one impossible fantasy after another. He imagined her by his side at work, brow furrowed as she considered fabric samples. He imagined her at the dining table, grinning as sweets were set in front of her. He saw them going on drives, he saw her smile at him in restaurants, he saw her clutch his arm as he escorted her to business events.

She, or her family, will reject the alliance soon enough.

A part of him recognised that he was being unfair, compromising her chances of marrying well – the more time she spent with him, the more gossip there would be when the rejection came. But he forgot all about that in her presence. Even her probing, disappointed comments about religion had failed banish his chaotic, treacherous musings.

The shrill ring of his phone broke through his thoughts. He answered it after a slight hesitation.


Silence. And then a series of low beeps indicating that the call had been disconnected.

"What the-" he breathed, frowning at the now-blank screen.


He couldn't say how he knew. Only that he knew, with absolute certainty, that the call had come from her. Arnav redialled the number, anticipation triggering a tightness in his chest and shortening his breath.

"Hallo?" her Bua-ji answered.

He cut the call. Pulling his bottom lip between his teeth, Arnav contemplated the number on the screen. His thumb hovered over the CALL button.

Never seem overeager in a negotiation.

This isn't a negotiation, damn it.

Then what is it?

Nothing. It is nothing.

He called again, refusing to examine his actions too closely. Khushi answered on the third ring.


"Does your Bua-ji always answer your phone?"

There was a pause of several heartbeats, in which he could hear her breathing into the phone. His irritation subsided.


"I'm returning your call."

"Oh. I was calling because ... because ... you see ... Babu-ji said ..."

Babu-ji said that you cannot see me again, he filled her silence, that you cannot marry an atheist, no matter how rich he is.

Arnav closed his eyes as a cold, slick, hollowness opened inside his chest.

This is what you want, Arnav.

"Babu-ji said that ..." Khushi continued her halting reply, "... that I can see you again if I want."

"What?" his eyes snapped open.

Another silence, as if she'd used up her meagre courage in saying it once and couldn't repeat herself.

"And what do you want, Khushi?"

He waited, pulse roaring in his ears.

"I want to ask you some questions."

RISHTAA: An Arranged Love (IPKKND AU) **ON HIATUS**Where stories live. Discover now