Chapter 14: Arnav

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"Someone will see us."

"There's no one here, Khushi."

He traced his fingers across her cheekbone, drawing her attention back where it belonged – on him. She leaned against his car, trembling in his jacket as he caressed her lips with his thumb.

Her eyes fluttered closed. "Arnav ..."

"Ssshhh," he soothed.

Using two fingers under her chin, he lifted her face to his. He heard her sharp, short inhalations as he bent his head, intent on her lips.

Arnav's eyes snapped open at a series of shrill beeps from his phone.


He stared at the ceiling, trying to recapture the feeling of having her so close, but the dream faded fast. Sighing, he reached for his phone and cleared the alarm before sliding out of bed. Last night, the thought of meeting Khushi alone had been tempting enough for him to shift a morning meeting, but now he wondered if it was wise.

When a jog and a quick shower failed to provide an alternative plan, he picked up his phone to cancel on her.

I need distance.


Arnav glanced up, slipping the phone into his pocket. Di stood at the door, smiling as she fiddled with her favourite green sari. It was one of the first things AR Designs had made, an exclusive piece he'd sketched himself. He snatched his cravat from the bed as she approached.

"I have to talk to you."

"Di, I'm running a little late, can it wait?" he asked, knotting the cravat with practised ease.

"No it can't. Nani called Khushi-ji's parents last night."

His hands froze, "Why?"

"She thought they might be hesitating, afraid that we'd ask for a dowry."

"What nonsense," he turned to fish his waistcoat out of the wardrobe.

"You like her, don't you Chhote?"

I burn for her.

"When are you going to say yes?" his sister prodded.


Arnav released an exasperated sigh as he turned, "Di, seriously? I don't even know her. This is all nonsense anyway."

She smiled indulgently as she placed a hand to his cheek. Her four foot Chhote had grown to six feet but this gesture hadn't changed.

 Her four foot Chhote had grown to six feet but this gesture hadn't changed

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"You know ... I was the only one in the room when you said your first word. You can't hide anything from me. You like Khushi-ji."

"It's not like that, Di," Arnav rolled his eyes.

RISHTAA: An Arranged Love (IPKKND AU) **ON HIATUS**Where stories live. Discover now