Chapter 20: Arnav

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Arnav drove recklessly to the temple, cursing the meeting that had made him late. Khushi would be waiting for him to break her fast. For the hundredth time, he wondered at the necessity of it all.

At this stage, Teej seemed less of a blessing for their married life and more a curse. She'd struggled with the fast all day, sending message after message about how hungry she was and threatening a myriad of punishments if he was late to the temple. Wrecked with concern, he'd paced in his office in the few moments of peace between meetings. She could faint from low blood sugar, he knew too well, or become sick, or any number of other things ... all because of her silly belief that going without food somehow led to marital bliss.

Unbeknownst to anyone else, he'd kept a fast as well, unable to handle the thought of her struggling alone. His head pounded from hunger, adding to the sense of urgency that gripped him.

Arnav grabbed the gift-wrapped box he'd picked up on his way to the temple after parking the car inside the complex. He rushed up the stairs, relieved to find that the aarti hadn't begun, and searched frantically until he spied his sister in a corner.

"Di, how are you feeling?" he asked as he approached.

"Chhote! You made it! Khushi-ji will be so pleased," his sister smiled at him, trying to sidestep his question.

"How are you holding up, Di?" he asked again.

"I'm fine now, Chhote," she sighed, "I was only dizzy for a few seconds."

His anger, always brewing under the surface, flared.

"Why the hell didn't anyone call me? What happened to you? Where's Aakash, why isn't he taking care of you?"

"Calm down, Chhote. Aakash is taking care of me, he just went to get me water. And I'm fine, I was just a little dizzy."

"Yeah, right," he scoffed, "These stupid traditions and rituals Di, they're unhealthy. Aman's not even here."

"Di, Bhai!" Aakash approached them, a steel glass in his hand, "I have water."

"I can't break my fast, Aakash."

"Di, this is ridiculous," Arnav fumed as he took the glass from his brother, "Just drink it. Aman won't care."

"I care," Di frowned, "Anyway, find Khushi-ji. Aakash will take care of me."

"No. I'm staying right here. Aakash, can you please find Khushi and bring her to me?"

Aakash returned with Khushi and Payal a few minutes later, with Mama and Mami in tow. Arnav took a brief look at her, smiling as he noted that she was wearing the pink and red sari he'd sent over that morning, and then turned to his sister.

"Drink the water, Di," he urged, "Aman won't care."

"But I care, Chhote," she repeated, "It's just a few more minutes."

He started to fling the glass away, irritated beyond measure, but froze when he remembered Khushi. She gave him a tentative smile when he looked over.

Careful, Arnav. 

He handed the glass to Aakash before sinking down beside his sister. Khushi approached them.

"Di," her eyes were wide in concern, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Khushi-ji, Chhote is over protective sometimes."

Arnav scowled as Khushi glanced in his direction before smiling cheekily, "Arnav-ji just loves you a lot."

There was a brief tightening in his chest as he watched his almost-fiancée comfort his sister, sidelined for the moment as they bonded. Already, it was difficult to imagine a future where Khushi wasn't standing beside him.

RISHTAA: An Arranged Love (IPKKND AU) **ON HIATUS**Where stories live. Discover now