Chapter 22: Arnav

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Two weeks had crawled by, slower than snail's pace. Hours had felt like days, and days like weeks, as he'd waited for this day to arrive. He didn't know why it made such a difference – it was only an exchange of rings and presents, a way for their families to cement the newly forged link between them – but it did.

He'd spent the last few days researching the wedding customs in his spare time.

Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.

Although he remembered Di's wedding with fondness, he hadn't paid much attention to the rituals, never dreaming that he'd marry. But he refused to be caught off-guard at his own wedding.

Arnav smoothed his hands over his white shirt before donning the jacket from his gray suit. He was studying his reflection when a knock sounded at his door.

"Come in."

"Chotte, you look so handsome," his sister greeted as she approached. She fussed with his collar, ignoring his attempts to duck away. "Are you nervous?"

"No?" he raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"I was," Di sat on the sofa, "I mean, I'd known Aman-ji for over a year by then. I was sure of myself. But my hand still shook when he took it. It's such a big decision."

Arnav considered his sister's words. "I think ... I think the big decision was saying yes, for me. After that ... this is all just for for you and Nani and Khushi."

"I'm so glad you said yes. Khushi-ji is ..."

"Yeah. I know."

He rummaged inside his wardrobe for cologne in their silence, each waiting for the other to bring up Mamma.

"She ... she'd love Khushi-ji."

"Really?" he asked softly, his back still to Di.

"Yes," she was confident, "All she wanted was for you to be happy. And with her, you are."

Nodding, Arnav offered his arm. He escorted his sister downstairs to where the rest of their family waited.

"Chhote," Nani hugged him tightly, "I'm so proud of you."

"Bitwa," Mami whispered as he hugged her, "Now we have to look for a Miss World to marry my Aakash."

"Yes, Mami-ji," Arnav whispered back.

"It makes me sad to see a fine young man waste his life on marriage," Mama joked, "Now I'm stuck here, bitwa, but you should run while you have the chance!"

Arnav chuckled as he embraced his uncle, watching as Mami spluttered in the background as she hunted for a come-back.

"I'm proud of you," his uncle murmured into his ear, "My sister ..."

"Thank you, Mama-ji."

Aakash pushed his glasses up as he approached, "Congratulations, Bhai."


They shook hands like strangers, both oddly reserved as their audience tittered and shook their heads. The doorbell chimed before Arnav could embrace his brother properly, and Hari Prakash rushed to answer it. Khushi smiled as she walked over, leading her family into Shantivan and almost bouncing in excitement. Arnav studied her as their families exchanged pleasantries. She was dressed in a lehenga with a red top and bright blue skirt, a green dupatta draped around her figure and hiding her waist from his seeking eyes.

"Babua," Khushi's Bua-ji turned to him, "You look very handsome, Nand Kishore."

Arnav stepped forward and touched her feet in obeisance, muttering a greeting, and then repeated the gesture with Uncle and Aunty. Delighted, they blessed him as Khushi greeted Nani and Mami. They stood together when it was done, a bridge with her family on one side and his on the other.

RISHTAA: An Arranged Love (IPKKND AU) **ON HIATUS**Where stories live. Discover now