Chapter 28: Arnav

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Two nights later, Arnav glanced at his phone as it buzzed on the table. The caller ID scrolled across the screen - "Pagal"

His hand trembled as he reached for it. He breathed deeply before answering.



And then a short sound; a sob. He closed his eyes as something unravelled inside him.

"Ssshhh. Don't cry."

Khushi sobbed again before whispering his name. Relief spread through him, warming him from inside out.

"Tell Uncle I'm coming over," he snatched his jacket from the back of the sofa as he stood, "I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"No," she whispered.

"You can't stop me. Not this time."

The drive to Laxmi Nagar was excruciating. Every small delay was torture. He battered the horn repeatedly, cursing every few minutes as he wove his white SUV through the chaos. His car squealed to a stop outside her home.

She was waiting on the verandah, her dupatta wrapped about her for warmth and a cup of tea cradled in her hands. A second cup sat on the small table beside a teapot. Khushi stood as he slid out of his car, holding his gaze as he pushed the door closed and strode towards her. She took a few tentative steps forward, her lips trembling, before breaking into a run. He caught her, held her close. Breathed in the jasmine scent of her.

"Arnav-ji," Khushi sobbed into his jacket.


Arnav patted her hair. His discomfort with her weeping subsided as he wound his fingers in the silk-softness. Her warmth seeped through him. Khushi gave one last, trembling sob before pulling away slightly. She blinked up at him.

"Hi," he said softly.

She sniffled, her bottom lip threatening to tremble again. He decided to distract her.

"Come with me."

"Babu-ji ..." she protested.

"He'll understand. Just for a few minutes, Khushi."

Arnav led her to the car, her hand clasped firmly in his, and lifted her into the passenger seat. Then he slid into his own seat, turning the ignition and putting the car into gear before looking at her. She was watching him intently.

"A short drive," he explained, "So we can talk."

But minutes trickled by in silence as he drove out of Laxmi Nagar and towards Delhi. He stopped the car on a hilltop overlooking the city.

"Are we going to pretend it didn't happen?" he asked softly.

He gave a resigned sigh at her teary nod. "Okay then. How's everything?"

"Babu-ji opened the shop again. Th-thank you for sending the security guards."

He waved her gratitude away, "It's fine."

"Babu-ji said ... he said that you ... your company won a contract?"

"Yeah," Arnav smiled, "We were awarded a contract in Europe. We're expanding to London next year."

"Europe? Like ... Italy?" warmth finally seeped into her tone, "Salman-ji lived in Italy in Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam."

Arnav raised an eyebrow at her.

"Sorry," she blushed, "That's the only thing I know about Europe."

"That Shah Rukh Khan movie? Even I've seen that."

RISHTAA: An Arranged Love (IPKKND AU) **ON HIATUS**Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα