Chapter 32: Aakash

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"You have to look like Mr India! Your Miss India is coming to meet you!"

Sighing, Aakash allowed his mother to straighten his jacket.

"Maate, I'm too busy for this right now."

"No one is too busy to meet his future wife. Your in-laws own a chain of stores and your wife is one of the most beautiphool girls in the city. Together, you will be Mr and Mrs India!"

"But ..." the feeble protest died on his lips.

Maa reached into the wardrobe for cologne.

"I don't wear that!"

Ignoring him, she sprayed some on his suit, "I asked your Bhai to bring this for you on his last trip. You need to look and smell like a rich man, bitwa."

He ducked as she aimed the spray at his face, and caught sight of Bhai as he paused at the door. Relieved, Aakash pleaded for help with a series of silent gestures.

"Uhh, Mami-ji ..." Bhai spoke from the doorway, "I'll help him, you still have to get ready."

Aakash ran a cursory eye over his mother's blue and yellow sari, matching jewellery and makeup.

What else could she possibly have left to do?

"I have to fix my hair," Maa answered his unspoken question, "You finish up with him and bring him downstairs, Arnav-bitwa. They'll be here soon!"

Bhai stepped aside to allow Maa to bustle out of the room before smirking.


Aakash couldn't hide his grin. "Papa asked her earlier if the family was coming to see me or her, and offered to leave her if she wanted to marry again."

Bhai's laugh was short but genuine. Aakash placed the bottle of cologne on a table before looking up. His pulse sped up as Bhai asked a question.

"You don't want this, do you?"

Lying to Bhai was impossible. "No. But Maa and Papa ..."

Bhai nodded.

"Meet her," he suggested, "and then say no."

Just like that, as if it was that simple. And maybe for Bhai ... it was.

Aakash pressed his lips together.

"We are not all Arnav Singh Raizada," he spoke as stuffed the unwanted cologne into the wardrobe, "that we get to say no again and again."

"Then say yes. One girl is much the same as any other."

Startled, Aakash faced his brother, "Do you still believe that, Bhai? After everything that's happened."

"I don't," came the smooth reply, "I'm testing something Khushi said last week."

"And ... did I pass?"

"No," Bhai flashed a grin in his direction as he stood, "and that means that I won our bet. Now come, let's meet your Miss India."

Grimacing, Aakash allowed his brother to lead him out of the room, trying to banish the memory of a small figure huddled against a temple pillar.

What's happening to me?


Kavya Aggarwal was tall and beautiful, immaculate in a trendy kameez and designer jewellery. Her father was a third-generation jeweller, of the esteemed Aggarwal Jewellers, and Maa had no doubt factored in the potential wedding gifts alongside the qualities of her future daughter-in-law.

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