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" Man today was tiresome," Casey said as we walked down the sidewalk threw town." I know right, I'm glad it's over," I say smiling." I'm with ya there," he said back " so what now?" April asked
" hmmm oh we could hang out by the skatepark." Casey added " that's a good idea!" April said then looked at me " your going to love the skatepark, me and Casey hang there all the time."
" Sweet," I say to April.

While April and Casey were talking about there times at the skatepark I see a few ghosts walk by us. One was a tall red coat solider with one arm missing, another was a solider but in a grey coat but he had a hole in his head. The last one was a tall man in a suit and a top hat with a knife on his side.
I could hear April talking but my eyes were focused on them. They were talking among themselves when they see me looking at them, more like staring. They looked shocked and the red coat asked " can you see us lassy?" I nodded as we walked past them, I look back and see them staring at me. I stop in my tracks and watch them smile at me, then they tip there hats or nod back then disappear in thin air.

April grabbed my shoulder and looked at me worried " are u ok?" She asked "you look like you seen a ghost?" Casey said looking at me," I'm ok." They have no idea of what I can see, sometimes I wish I could have someone to talk about my gift. Someone living that is, I'm tired of being stuck with the dead.

Thorn and her friends get back to walking to the skatepark, unaware of the mutant turtles watching them.
Once again Donnie was watching April making sure that Casey doesn't make a move on her.

" I wonder who that new girl is?" Mikey said leaning out trying to get a good look. Before he could fall Raph grabs the top of his shell and pull him back.
" Don't fall Humpty," Miley glared at Raph as he helps him stand straight.
" Must be a new friend of theirs," Leo said " see Donnie, she's fine." Donnie was leaning on the edge watching her walk off with the other two " ya but still." " Come on, we have training to get too." Leo says leading them back home, Donnie looks back then follows while thinking to himself.
I wonder what she was looking at there wasn't anyone els with them. No one walked by, what was she looking at?

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