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I told the others I was going to use the rest room so I can look around. Leo told me where it was so I started to walk down a dark king hall. Curved arches with doors in the middle drag along the walls as I slowly walk over.

I could feel the demon close by, I just couldn't see him. However, he could see me. I stopped walking when I could feel it dead straight down the hall. And there he was....a tall black shadow in the corner of the hall. If you weren't looking for him you definitely wouldn't have seen him. I stare at it not sure what to do, I came this far....but now that I'm here right in front of it....I feel like I'm stuck. I was lost. Then I felt a hand on my back making me jump and turn to see Splinter.

"Is everything alright?" He asks me putting his hand back on his staff. I smile and nod looking back to see the demon gone. "Ya...just, kinda got creeped out a little." He nods and looks where I was looking. "I can see why."
Splinter was meditating when he felt a dark presence. He wasn't sure what it was but a feeling like that in your home would cause some worry. So he got up and walked to where he felt it.
When he saw Thorn down the hall, he hummed softly walking over. Wondering what she was looking at he looks at the end of the hall. He couldn't see anything other than the dark corner but he felt it. It wasn't that strong but he knew it was there. Wondering if Thorn knew as well. He watched her take a step closer but she stopped...just staring at the dark corner.

She looked like she was unsure what to do. Making him wonder if she was sensitive to energy like some people are. It's too soon to tell but if she is, perhaps he could train her the spiritual abilities she posses.

He puts his hand on her shoulder making her jump as she looks up at him. "Is everything alright?" He says with a worried look as he put his hand on his staff. She smiles softly at him and nods "Ya...just, kinda creeped out a little." She says turning back to where she was looking. I look back as well seeing nothing there, the air seamed to lift from its heaviness suggesting whatever was there is gone now. "I can see why," he says stroking his beard. "It is a dark hall way after all."
After he showed me the bathroom I headed home, thanking everyone for their help. Leo wanted to walk me home but I told him it wasn't far from here. So he showed me the way out of the sewer and I headed from there. When I got home my father hugged me tight and asked how was my day. What we did for fun and stuff like that. I told him about pizza and I stayed with April and we watched movies. Hiding the fact we were attacked by ninjas of course.
He smiled and nod but asked what happened to my arm. Of course I lied and told him I slipped while helping with diner and cut myself. So after an hour of tending to my arm I headed to my room and sat down on my bed.
"Don't forget your pills!" I could hear him yell making me sigh. "Okay!"

Outside her window Raph was watching her to make sure she got home safe. "Don't forget your pills!" He heard a man that he imagined was her father say. Pills?
He wondered what that was about and watched her yell back "oaky!" And take out a bottle. He wasn't sure what kind it was but watched as she threw it across the room making a sound as if I went down something hollow. A trashcan maybe?

He watches as she turns out the light, his cue to leave. He stood up and took one last look before running off. Wondering what may be wrong.

TMNT: The girl who can see ghostsWhere stories live. Discover now