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Raph was punching his punching bag, but with each hit a image of the girl, the white hair girl, came into his head. He doesn't understand why but he felt close to her, he doesn't even know her and yet he feels like he does. She must be that Thorn, girl April, was talking about.

"Guys!" He herd Leo yell and turns to face him "its the foot, they just attacked April and Casey!"

We ran down a alley way trying to loose them, April holds my hand tight as she leads me around the tight curves.
A ninja star thrown my way, barley cuts my wrist before I vanish behind the wall.
A sharp pain runs threw my arm "gah!" I pull my left arm to my chest, looking down to see a cut, and blood drip down to the floor. I look ahead and try to ignore the pain, April looks back at me saying "are you okay!" I nod my head trying to hold back my tears "just keep going!"

Then we came to two path ways, Casey stops and faces us "you two go that way, I'll lead them off." April nods and lead me down the right path as Casey grabs a long pipe from a trash can and goes down the left.
The group of what April called "foot bots" split in two, half going to each path.

My shirt now has a blood spot on it, as I push my wrist on it to help stop making a trail. We stop by a corner leading to two more path ways, April looked around to see what would be the best way. But all we could see was more brick down the path.

I hear a eco like barking and turn my head to see a dear friend. Buck, a hound dog that came to NY with his owner to visit family, one night he saw a squirrel and his instincts kicked in. He got ran over by a truck that day.

Buck was barking as he went down the path straight ahead "we go left," April said walking and pulling my arm but I pull her back "no! We go straight." I say looking dead in her eyes "I don't think that's the best idea, they could see us run-," she tried to say but I blurted out "just trust me!" April looked at me started but she nods, then I lead her down the path straight ahead. Following Buck.

Soon we came down a street, we could see light and I turn to see a flower van stop in front of us. In the driver seat was Casey yelling "get in!"
April got in the passenger seat by Casey, I walk to the back to open the van and got in. I grab the doors and close then, then I see a ghostly nose go threw the door, followed by a Buck getting in with me.

Casey hit the gas making a screerrrrick and the van thrusts forward. I loose balance and fall back only to land on my bad arm, pain runs threw me as I let out a "ah!"

"Are you okay?!" April turns to me to see me sitting on my but and holding my arm with a cut, blood all over my shirt, my arm, and now on Casey's van.
"Oh no, your hurt," she says looking around for something to use "I'm okay, just keep driving." After I said that the doors flew open as a bot looks back at me and steps in crabbing my leg "ahhh," I let out a scream and kick it I the face hard enough to make it let me go. Then I kick it in the stomach making fall out, however, it grabbed the door and was now holding onto a swinging van door.

That's when I saw a green hand grab it by the collar and lift it up, only to see it be thrown violently to the moving road. I could see the bot roll around till a green painted garbage truck runs it over.

I sit there stunned, before a long pointed thing sticks threw the van roof followed by two smaller points next to it. I let out a yelp looking up at it, then it pulls back up letting me see threw three holes. Buck starts to growl and bark as I could see something green moving on the van roof, I could also hear a bunch of thump thump.

Casey swings the well to turn down a sharp corner, making whatever was on the roof fall off. It was quite again.

I thought it was gone only to hear a "Casey! Are you trying to kill me?!" I turn to see a green turtle guy with a red mask laying on the van front window. His face showed anger but when I look at him, his green eyes met mine, and his expression soften. Then he let out a low "shit." Before the van turned violently and I could see everything burr together as I fall to my right side. I could hear a loud thunk before everything went black.

TMNT: The girl who can see ghostsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon