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After hanging with them for a while Casey headed home, so it was just me and April. For a while we talked on the swing, but then i saw that little boy from school again. Memories of his death flashed by in my head, i couldn't stop staring at him. I feel so sorry for him, it wasn't fare for him to just die like that. I guess April noticed cause she was looking at me worried again, the same look she gave me when we met. 

" H-hey, are you ok?" I snapped out of my trance and wipe the tears off my face " y-ya, just remembered something thats all." " What did you remember?" I couldn't speak, should i tell her...no she would just think im crazy! " Its nothing, im ok really," i say giving her a smile. " Ok then, if somethings bothering you you can always talk to me," April says giving a soft smile back " i know, its just something of the past." " You know a friend told me not to linger in the past, i know its not my business but what happened happened." She says " ya, your right." I say back with a smile " thx April. " Anytime, " " where did you learn something like that?" I ask but she jerk like i caught her off guard or something. " O-oh...ummm...my friend," " is he in school?" Now she looked real nervous " oh n-no, hes a friend of my dads...oh look at the time i better get home before my aunt worries about me." I smile at her " ok, oh heres my number." I say giving her number, she gave me hers and we smile at each other. " Ill see you later then?" I ask " ya, ill see you later," she says waving to me as she walked off. I wave back and sit down on the swing. 

I sat there a while when i herd a young kids voice next to me " she seams nice," i turn in a shock and see the little boy again, sitting on the swing next to me. " Ya she is," i say with a smile " so you can see me?" " Ya, its a gift i have," " that means you can talk to me and my mom, do you know where she is?" " No im afraid i dont, im sorry," " oh, its ok. My name is Charles," " im Thorn." " NIce to meet you Thorn, so how long have you ben able to see...ghosts?" " My whole life, ever since i was a kid really," " thats so cool!" " No, its not." " Why?" " I dont just see them, i can also see there death, how they died, what they felt. Its not fun," he stays quit for a while then he spoke." I see, can you see how i died?" " I already did and im sorry about what happened." " It ok....i just want my mommy," he says starting to cry. " Oh no dont cry shhh its ok," this is bad vary bad! 

After he started to cry the air got thick and cold real fast, the wind started to blow hard enough to make my backpack fall of a bench and hit the ground hard. My hair blew in the wind as i cover my ears, his cry was like a painful eco surrounding me. Feeling his pain my eyes started to water, tears falling down my cheeks as i try not to past out. To other people they can hear a ghosts cry but its faint most of the time, but me? To me its the most painful energy to feel in the world, there cries eco threw out my body like a wave. My vision starting to get burry and my head felt like it was pounding, i had to make him stop before he hurts someone. Before i could act everything went black, and i could feel something hit my back as i black out. 

A/N: Hey i know this is a short chapter but i have something important to tell you. The new book that is coming out is a sneak peek of whats to come, my first real chapter book novel. Ya my books are chapter books but this one is special! Yes its a fan fiction of TMNT but im going to take my time and maybe even do a comic about it in the future! The book does not have a title yet but when i do have one i will publish some sneak peeks along with my own digital art of it. Hope you like it! 

TMNT: The girl who can see ghostsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz