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Selena opened the big black door and the smell of cigarettes and alcohol made me cough.

The place was dark, crowded and there was cigarette smoke in the air, it was so thick that I could almost see it.

“Why didn’t you tell me this place is such a dive?” I whispered into a Selena’s ear as we were trying to find her friends.

“I’m as surprised as you are.”

I put a disapproval grin on my face and continued walking. People there had a lot of tattoos, were dressed in extremely dark clothes and were drunk; I didn’t like this kind of people.

I saw Liam waving at us and we approached him quickly.

“I’m so sorry; we should get out of here…” He said looking at us.

“What? No way, I like this place.” The blonde haired girl named Emma said.

She was handing us beers.

“I don’t drink.” I said as I gave the bottle back to her.

She smiled apologetically at me and placed the beer on a table.

“Is Louis here?” I heard Selena ask to the other blonde haired girl, I think her name was Dianna.

“No, but I hope he shows up soon, there aren’t many hotties here tonight.” She said and laughed.

I narrowed my eyes; I suddenly felt a deep dislike for her and her presence. I didn’t like her at all.

That’s when I heard an electric guitar start playing and I looked up to the small stage that was right in front of us, the band was there but I didn’t see the singer, I guess they were introducing him or her.

The band was dressed in jeans and shirts that were black and red. I looked down at my phone, checking the time, it was nine fifteen I wasn’t going to stay here for too much longer. I didn’t like this place.

I heard a low, raspy voice start singing, it sounded familiar. I looked up from the screen of my phone and my world started spinning slower.

Of course it had to be Harry singing on that stage. Of course he’d be here, in this dive.

He was wearing his old black ripped up tight jeans and a red and black unbuttoned plaid shirt. I could see that he got new tattoos. He had a red bandana tied up in his head, removing his dark curls from his forehead.

I stood up and he looked at me, widening his eyes, even in the dark I could see his green eyes seeing through me.

I walked out the pub, hoping no one would notice my absence.

As I walked down the street I was dialing on the screen of my phone, I was trying to call a cab to get me back to college, and I bumped into someone.

“Sorry…” I mumbled.

“Taylor? Taylor Swift?”

I looked up and saw a familiar pair of brown eyes.

“Y-yeah…” I gulped.

“It’s me! Zayn, from elementary school.” He smiled. “Remember? I used to bother you a lot.”

I certainly remember him that made me smile.

“Zayn Malik!” I said cheerfully.

We hugged and he stepped back, looking at me.

He laughed. “You look so different, where are your curls?”

“I got rid of them a while ago, I was tired of them.” I said, fondling my hair.

“It’s early” He said checking his watch. “Do you want to hang out so we can catch up?”

Ashes (Sequel to Windows To The Soul)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora