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Louis’ P.O.V:

Taylor left her phone in my car; I had to give it back to her. I didn’t know where her room was and I had to walk a lot until I found her sitting on the floor, next to the door of her room.

“You left your phone in my car…” I said.

She raised her head and grabbed her white phone. I was about to turn around and walk away but I had to ask her…

“Why are you here? I mean…why aren’t you sleeping?”

She got up and raised an eyebrow.

“Mind your own business, Louis. It’s my second day here and I feel like I’ve been here for two years…So just leave” She sighed.

I didn’t know what to say, she stood there in front of me with her arms crossed on her chest and avoiding my gaze.

“Will I have to beg for your forgiveness for the rest of my life?” I asked.

I don’t know why I asked it, I knew she wouldn’t answer me.

“Leave.” She inquired.

I walked away, what else could I do? Beg on my knees for her forgiveness? The real question is: would I do it? Would I crawl for her forgiveness? Yes, I would, because this is killing me.

I needed her to forgive me, I spent a year craving for her…I fell for her and she wasn’t even there. Her absence made me fall in love with her, because I needed her, I was a better person when she was with me, I didn’t feel pain when she was with me.

Having her avoiding me was painful and I was becoming nothing, I was slowly fading and she didn’t notice it.

Every time she avoided me, said no to me or simply looked at me with hatred in her eyes it felt like she was tearing my soul away from me and throwing it against the floor with resentment, leaving me broken and hopeless.

I know I hurt her and made her feel miserable, but I’m paying for it.

 There were two constant things in my life: sleepless nights and numbness.

I was feeling the same way she felt a year ago, and I just wanted to pull her close to me and tell her that I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…

Taylor’s P.O.V:

I was angry. Very angry. Louis made me angry.

I opened the door again; I didn’t care if they were half naked or whatever, I just wanted to sleep and forget everything.

I walked it and saw Zayn sitting on the edge of Selena’s bed, she was asleep.

He smiled. “Taylor.”

“Go, Zayn.” I said as I walked up to my bed.

He frowned; he was confused by my attitude towards him.


“Go.” I cut him off.

He left and I laid on my bed, I didn’t want to take my clothes off. I was fast asleep.

The next day I woke up to someone knocking on the door and I realized I had the worst headache ever. I groaned and slowly walked up to the door.


I focused my vision and saw that it was Liam standing in front of me.

“Hello…” I droned.

“Do you want to spend the morning with me?” He smiled shyly.

I wrinkled my nose, hesitant.

“Okay…Wait here, I have to take a shower, I’ll be ready in fifteen.” I said closing the door.

Ashes (Sequel to Windows To The Soul)Where stories live. Discover now