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We walked in the club, the music was loud and it was crowded. I hated it, but I made an effort I didn’t want to mess everything up.

Harry knew how much I hated clubs so when he looked down at me I could see the compassion in his eyes. I stick my tongue out at him, making him laugh.

Everything was cool; I liked being just friends with him and Louis.

People were dancing, drinking and having fun, and I was sitting there, alone, because Sel was with Zayn and Harry disappeared.

I knew I wanted to act like a teenager, but I wouldn’t get drunk, not again, it felt horrible the last time.

“Hey babe, wanna dance?” A boy with a mask asked.

I hesitated for a second, but ended up giving in. “Okay.”

He grabbed my hand and took me to the dancefloor. I must say I didn’t feel comfortable with his arms around my waist at all.

He slightly leaned in, I could feel his breath on my neck and it was freaking me out.

“If you keep playing games, you’ll end up losing.” He whispered and disappeared through the crowd.

Okay? What the heck was that? I shook my head and looked to my right to find Harry making out with some girl dressed up as a Playboy bunny; of course he would go for a girl like that. Why was it bothering me anyway? He was single, I was single. I guess seeing your first love making out with a girl in front of you hurts like this.

I sighed and went back to the couch.  I stayed there, playing Angry Birds on my phone while everyone around me where laughing and getting wasted. It wasn’t funny anymore, I’d preferred dressing up as Alice and staying in my room watching films than coming here, deep inside of me I knew this wouldn’t be funny but here I am.

I was totally focused on killing those hideous green pigs when the music stopped and the lights went off. I panicked, a storm, it was a bloody storm okay? I can’t stand them and I was locked in a smelly club with sweaty drunk people. I ran to the bathroom and dialed Louis he was the only one who would understand, I needed to talk to him.

“Hello?” He sounded sleepy.

“Louis.” I sobbed.

“Taylor, what’s wrong?” I noticed that his voice didn’t sound sleepy anymore.

I leaned against the cold wall and started crying harder, I was scared; I was really scared, I could hear the thunders.

“Where are you?” He asked, startled.

“I can hear the thunders, Lou. I can’t get out of this club, I’m going to die here and no one will ever remember my existence.” I was kind of hyperventilating.

And I also was overreacting, but I was scared okay? Don’t judge me.

“I’m going to pick you up, where are you?”

“I don’t know, Selena brought me here and I don’t know where she is. But I know that the name of the club is Paradise or something like that.” I said between sobs, I’m not really sure if he understood me.

“I know where it is; can you wait for me outside?” He asked.

“I’m in the restroom, I can’t move.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in a few.” He hung up.

I slid to the floor and wrapped my arms around my knees. I didn’t care if the floor was dirty and full of bacteria, well I did, but I was too scared to pay attention to that.

Ashes (Sequel to Windows To The Soul)Where stories live. Discover now