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I woke up feeling horrible, I had a massive headache and I felt like I was going to throw up any minute now.

What day was it anyway? Where was I? I slowly opened my eyes and the sunbeams hit my eyes so I closed them and groaned.

I opened them again and blinked a few times to focus my vision, but my eyes hurt. I took a deep breath and realized that my eyes hurt because I fell asleep with my contacts on.

I heard a noise, it sounded like a slight growl, and suddenly a pair of strong arms held me.

“Morning, little Miss Tequila.” A familiar voice said.

I stirred in his arms and got out of his grip. “What the hell?!” I yelled.

I ran out of the bed and looked at him. “What did you do to me?!”

I was freaking out, seriously, my heart was pounding and my head was killing me.

“Me? I didn’t do anything; it was you the whole time.” He explained as he scratched his beard.

“What did we do?” I asked when I realized I was in his shirt.

“Nothing, but you kissed me a lot of times.”He said as he got up.

I saw lipstick stains all over his neck and his lips, I did that to him.

“Come with me, I bet you’re starving.” He said.

“No, I want to go with Selena.”

He ignored me and walked out of the bedroom, leaving me there.

I felt so sick and I didn’t want to be alone. I wobbled down the stairs and walked in the kitchen.

I found a shirtless Louis making tea, why did he take his shirt off anyway? I rolled my eyes and sat on a chair, resting my head on the cold table.

He sat in front of me and started drinking his tea.

“Why are you shirtless?” I asked.

He smirked. “Were you checking me out?”

I sighed. “No, I just, ugh whatever. I don’t want to think my head aches.”

He got up and when he came back he had another mug full of tea. “Here, this will make you feel better.”

I took a sip of my tea and looked up at the clock that was hanged on the wall. It was a quarter to one.

I widened my eyes. “Oh my God! I’m late! I’m so late, oh my God!” I yelled.

Louis looked at me, he was confused. “What’s the matter?”

“I was supposed to be at the shop at eight!”

I got up the chair so quickly that I felt very dizzy; I took my hand up to my forehead.

“Why don’t you just call and tell them that you’re sick.” He suggested.

“What? I won’t lie to my boss.”

“You’re sick Taylor, come on, you can barely stand on your feet.” He said walking up at me.

I hesitated for a few second but finally gave in. “Okay, where’s my bag?”

He arched his brows. “Bag? You didn’t have a bag with you.”

“I always have a bag with me, Louis.”

I was starting to feel really irritated; I remembered having my bag with me. I couldn’t lose it, I had my phone and my wallet in it.

Louis walked out of the kitchen but came in again a few seconds after, with a phone in his hand.

Ashes (Sequel to Windows To The Soul)Where stories live. Discover now