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A/N: Okay, this is a quick a/n, I just want to let you guys know that the picture next to the chapter is what Tay wears to the party! I hope you guys enjoy the chap and leave your honest opinion <3

It was Friday night! Selena forced me to go to that frat party but hey, it was Friday and I didn’t have to study so I was happy.

Since I told her about me visiting Harry and kissing Louis, and even though I didn’t tell her the details or what they did to me, I was feeling better.

I already had my make-up on, I was zipping the white strapless dress she bought me and I looked at myself in the mirror. The dress fitted my body perfectly, it made me look good and it was actually elegant, but was it appropriate for a frat party? I mean, how’s a frat party anyway? What do people do there?

I was straightening my hair when someone walked in the room.

It was Zayn, he looked around then smiled at me politely.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought Sel was here.” He said.

“Zayn! Don’t go she’s going to be here soon, she’s taking a shower.”  I said as I straightened a lock of my hair.

He sat on the edge of her bed and looked at me. “You look wonderful.”

I smiled at the mirror so he would see it. “Thank you!”

There were a few minutes of silence; I had to break it because I wanted to know something.

“So are you guys dating?” I asked.

He laughed. “Nah, we’re friends. She’s cute though.”

“Of course…” I laughed with him.

I didn’t believe what he said; Selena had kind of a massive crush on him.

Selena came in, smiled at me and ran up to Zayn. “I thought you weren’t going to come!”

He smiled. “Well, here I am.”

They hugged and I was like aw… I hate couples.

“Are you ready Tay?” She asked as she grabbed her black clutch.

“Yes, let’s go.” I answered.

I put on my maroon coat and we walked out of the dorm.

“Do we really have to walk all the way to the frat party?” I asked.

“It’s not that far, Tay.”

I huffed and they laughed at me.

When we arrived my feet were hurting and all I wanted was to find somewhere to sit.

The music was loud and the house was crowded, I wasn’t really sure about what’s so funny about crowded places, alcohol and loud music.

Selena grabbed my hand and Zayn’s and guided us through the crowd. Then suddenly someone gave me a red cup, I gave it to someone else, I didn’t plan on getting totally drunk.

“Do you want something to drink?” Zayn asked us.

“Vodka and coke, please.” Selena said as she took her coat off.

“Chocolate milkshake, please Zayn.” I said.

Zayn laughed at me. “What?”

“Chocolate milkshake…” I repeated.

He walked away laughing, is there a new law that prohibits drinking chocolate milkshake or what? I took off my coat and left it next to Selena’s on a couch.

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