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I left the bags on the floor and threw myself on the bed; we still had five hours until the party.

“Are you bringing Zayn?” I asked Selena, who was typing on her phone.

“Yea.” She replied distracted. “Maybe you should bring a date?”

“A date? Are you serious?” I laughed and rested my head on the pillow.

She shrugged. “Or we can find you one at the party.”

“I don’t want a date; I’m okay with being single.” I replied.

Truth is that since what happened last year I couldn’t bring myself to trust a boy again, so that’s the reason why I didn’t want to be in a relationship. And who needs boys anyway? I mean, they’re cute and everything but they can be complete jerks.

“What about Louis? Do you want him to come with us?” She asked as she stood up and walked up to the wardrobe.

“Louis? No, he needs to rest.” I replied.

“And Harry?”

Harry? I hadn’t seen him in a while since I wanted him to calm down after that weird phone call plus I had to study a lot and visit Louis, so I’d been busy the whole time.

But I wanted to see how he was doing; maybe he’d like to come with us to that party.

I reached for my phone and started dialing Harry and turning the speaker on so Sel could hear and wouldn’t ask me later.


“Hi, it’s Taylor.”

“Hey you, it’s been a while.” He said I could hear the smile in his voice.

I laughed. “Yeah, I’ve been busy.” I paused for a second. “Um, would you like to come with some friends and me to a Halloween party? It’s in five hours more or less; you’ll have to find a costume.”

He huffed. “A costume?”

“It’s a Halloween Party, Harry.”

“Okay, but…Can you come with me and help me find a costume?”

I hesitated and looked at Selena, she nodded rapidly.

“Um, yeah.” I answered still looking at Selena.

“Great! I will pick you up at your dorm in fifteen, okay?”

“Okay.” I said and he giggled before hanging up.

He giggled; I laughed to myself and slid the phone in my pocket.

“Are you going to go on a date dressed up like that?” Selena asked.

I raised an eyebrow. “Date?”

“He giggled Tay, it’s a date.” She smiled at me. “We have fifteen minutes!”

She started throwing clothes at me, I chose a loose grey jumper with floral print on it, my favourite pair of skinny jeans and pink sneakers. I looked pretty decent but Selena wasn’t happy with it, she still thought we were going on a date.

As she complained, I tied my hair up on a ponytail, grabbed my purse and walked out of the room, without her of course.

“Be safe!” She yelled. “And you know what I mean!”

I laughed and waved at Harry, he was leaning against his car with his hands on his pockets, it reminded of when he used to pick me up at my house. I shook my head, and continued walking.

He was wearing a blue plaid shirt, skinny jeans and his old favourite brown boots.

“Why are you staring at my feet?” He laughed.

Ashes (Sequel to Windows To The Soul)Where stories live. Discover now