Chapter 4

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I lost track of how many nights I lay awake hoping Michael would visit me again. Sometimes I fell asleep only to wake up suddenly and scan my room expecting to find him there. As the days became weeks and the weeks became months, I started to believe it was all a dream. I tried to convince myself that after I met him at the mall my mind took the memory of meeting Michael and ran away with it.

With each day that passed I thought less and less of him until he nearly slipped from my mind. It was an unbelievable surprise when he finally came back the following August. He nudged me awake late one night and as I drifted from sleep he whispered in my ear, "Happy Anniversary," he said.

My heart leapt at the sound. "Michael!" I cried out as soon as I realized it was him.

I sat up, scrambled from the covers and closed my door. I flipped the light switch and there he was, sitting on my bed just like the night after we first met. He looked exactly the way I remembered but something was noticeably different about him. He seemed happier and if I had understood the word better, I might have said peaceful. I wanted to run over and hug him but was too nervous to do something so personal. Smiling, I climbed back into bed.

"What did you mean, Happy Anniversary?" I asked once I got settled.

"This is the day we met, exactly one year ago today."


"Really!" he chuckled.

"Only one year, Michael? It seems like forever!"

"It does now but when you're my age, a year will seem like a day."

I knew that wasn't at all true but it didn't matter, I was so happy he remembered me and had kept his promise.

"Where have you been? I didn't think you would ever come back!"

"Working and trying to be... stronger."

"Have you been stronger?"

He looked earnest and sincere when he answered my question, "I have," he assured me. "I've thought of you more times than I can count and every time I do it helps... you've helped me," he paused, "more than you will ever know." He looked away and I realized that he had said much more than he wanted.

He was utterly quiet for a moment but then he turned back and gave me a mischievous grin, "Would you like to come somewhere with me?"

"Right now?" The idea thrilled me but I hesitated knowing how wrong it would be.

"Mmm, hmm," he nodded. "I want to show you something."

"Oh, I don't know, Michael..."

"We won't go far," he reassured me, both in word and thought, "in fact, we won't even leave your building," he reached for my hand.

I fearfully looked toward my bedroom door, "What about my mom and dad?"

"They're sleeping and I will hear them if they wake. If I promise to get you back before anyone notices you're gone, will you come with me?"

I smiled and reached for his hand. He helped me down from my bed and we walked toward the slider together. I stopped midway and tucked my feet into a pair of slippers. I was still a little reluctant sneaking out like that and in my pajamas as well. Michael seemed confident, though, and I was too curious wondering what he wanted to show me to worry about the consequences.

It seemed warm, almost hot outside as Michael held back the blinds and I stepped through the sliding door. Once we were on the balcony he let go of my hand and squatted down with his back to me, "Hop up," he said.

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