Chapter 26

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Michael inspected the room and found little fault. He touched up a thing or two and together we brought a few furnishings from the guest bedroom and arranged them in the darkroom. It was an odd contrast; the soft colors of the bedspread against the black, vacant floors and walls. I wondered if there were any way to make it homier but also thought that I shouldn't let it bother me since I was completely unaware of the world around me when I was resting.

"We'll figure something out when we have more time. This," he motioned to the room, "was the fastest, temporary," he emphasized, "solution."

"Of course, Michael," I sighed.

There were still a few hours before sunrise and Michael suggested we use them to go to my apartment and get some of my things so I would have them when I needed them. When we got there I was shocked to find it in complete disarray. Everywhere things were smashed and broken; the seat cushions torn, my sheets and clothes in shreds. It was heartbreaking to see and I immediately knew who had done it. For the first time since I had known him I felt like I didn't understand who Charlie was, not at all.

Michael stood behind me as I took it all in. He put his hands on my arms and stroked them comfortingly, "It can all be replaced, Elayna."

"Yes, I know, but Michael, now that we know... know what Charlie's feelings are," I shook my head, "what are we going to do?"

I would never have imagined Charlie capable of any violence. I knew everything could be replaced but there was an almost tangible anger in the scene before us.

"There's no sense in going through any of this now," Michael stated.

"No," I shook my head. "Do you think he would have gone to the shop?" I was worried that we would find it in a similar state but again, it could all be replaced and at that point I would never have used any of it again anyway.

"I can take you there, if you'd like but Elayna, what would we gain?"

"You're right," my heart skipped a beat. "You don't think he would do anything to Margaret, do you?"

Michael's jaw tightened, "No, he wouldn't dare!"

"Maybe she should stay with us, just to be safe. Call her," I urged.

It was well after midnight and into the morning hours so Michael hesitated a moment as he thought over the possibility of disturbing Margaret unnecessarily. He dialed the number. There was no answer and the line went to voicemail after a number of rings.

I could see the fear growing in Michael's eyes, "Again, she might have been asleep and didn't hear it," I suggested.

Michael hit redial only to face similar results, "Let's go," he took my hand and we raced out the door.

We were down the stairs and in the car before I even realized it. He drove us straight to Margaret's. I tried her number over and over again until we got there. When we arrived there was no sign of Margaret. It didn't look as though the door had been forced or that there was a struggle of any sort. I was sure Margaret trusted Charlie and that if he came to her under the pretense of concern for me and Michael that she would have let him in and perhaps even left with her.

"But where would they go?"

Michael closed his eyes and concentrated, "I don't know," he ground his teeth in dismay.

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