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Michael bent all of his efforts towards finding a suitable place for Charlie. He found a beautiful facility about a hundred miles west of where we lived and quietly had him transferred there. It fit all the criteria for his treatment and was also an independent care facility, so Charlie could do virtually any and everything he would normally do in society even though he was safely tucked away from it.

He resisted his treatments for about the first 6 months, according to the reports Michael received from his caregivers and then abruptly became a model patient. Apparently Charlie formed an attachment to another resident and together they formed an alliance that blossomed into a loving relationship. Charlie eventually got a job there as a transition officer, helping new patients adjust to a life set apart from the outside world. He seemed to accept his fate while at the same time trying to make the most of it.

Margaret took over the café for me and hired a sweet gentleman named Henry to help her run it. She carefully avoided our questions whenever we hinted that there may be something more there and insisted that they were just good friends as well as business partners. They spent all their free time together, however, and if there were romantic overtures taking place, we were never allowed to witness them.

Once Michael was satisfied that everything would turn out well for Charlie and Margaret he let me set a date for our wedding. We considered the day we met as well as a number of other significant dates in our lives and eventually settled on New Year's Eve since it was a day that everyone looked forward to – a day that the world used to make promises for a better future.

Margaret was there and Henry, Michael and I, as well as one other important guest. Michael and I presented Margaret with a new Wolfhound puppy the night of our wedding to keep her company as we prepared for our yearlong honeymoon. We named her Victoria and she took an immediate and determined attachment to Margaret. She wore a pink ribbon on her collar with each of our bands strung through it and sat patiently until it was time to slip them off and onto Michael's and my fingers.

It may have been a simple ceremony but I could think of nothing that would have made it more complete. When it was over Michael swept me off my feet and carried me to a waiting car. We went straight to the airport and began our journey across the world, chasing the sun.

The End

Other Works by S. M. Bowles

· Haeven

· Vivienne: Le Perdu et Retrouve (The Lost and Found)

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