Chapter 13

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It turned out that Charlie had asked Missy to be his date for the formal. They took Margaret and me up on our limo offer along with one other couple. Margaret made a reservation for us and got in touch with each of the parents to work out the details. Meanwhile, Danielle and I sorted out the times and locations for pick-ups and drop-offs. Dani planned to stay at my house and get ready there. Zach would be at Charlie's so we would pick them up then go to Missy's, Christine's, Jake's and Patrick's. I had everyone email me their addresses and I printed them all up for Margaret to give to the limo service.

Jake hadn't said much to me since he learned we would be going together. He acted polite but there was an awkwardness attached to everything he said and did. It was understandable but made me wonder if the only reason he agreed to take me was because Zach had persisted. Or maybe he just wanted to get back at Brooke. Whatever the reason Jake decided to go through with it, it didn't seem to matter. Our friends had trapped us both and neither was willing to be the one to dash any of their hopes.

The weekend before the formal Margaret took me and Danielle shopping for something to wear. Sometimes it seemed like she looked forward to the dance almost as much as Danielle.

"I'm so excited for you!" Aunt Margaret beamed whenever we needed to talk about our plans.

I'd smile and nod and try to share her enthusiasm all the while cringing inside. I lost count of all the times I told myself I should have kept my mouth shut or wished I had followed my instincts and decided not to go at all. It ate away at me and I started to feel envious of the others which made it all the more difficult not to just break the date. They all seemed so natural and happy; Danielle and Zach, Charlie and Missy, holding hands as they walked to class or stealing kisses in the hallway. That was more of what I envisioned when I imagined myself at the Spring Formal; being there with someone I at least had significant feelings for.

I was happy for Danielle and the way she felt about Zach and glad to see them together. I felt the same for Charlie and Missy, too. Even though I didn't care for him other than as a friend, sometimes I wished I had spoken up sooner, before Charlie and Missy got together. It would have been such a relief to have him as a date rather than Jake.

Saturday came and I couldn't stop brooding over my misfortune while Margaret drove us to the mall. As soon as we walked in, she told us she planned to do a little shopping for herself and sent us off to look for dresses. We made agreed to meet at the food court in a couple of hours. With luck, we would find something before then and if not either extend our outing or try a different mall a little further away.

Dani found a dress she liked in just about every store but I tried on one after another only to be disappointed each time. By the fifth store Danielle had gotten thoroughly frustrated with me and I was getting a little antsy myself.

"I'm sorry," I tried to apologize. "I guess I'm just not in the mood for shopping today."

"Seriously? That's the best excuse you can come up with." I shrugged and smiled but Dani realized there was more than I was letting on. "Look, I get it. Jake is worst-case scenario and I know you are only doing this as my friend. I promise it won't be as bad as whatever you are imagining. Jake has been talking to Zach and I know he is going to put his best foot forward. I think he might even like you."

"Ugh, anything but that!"

"Come on, give the guy a break. He's been out from under Brooke's thumb for a few weeks now. I'm sure he's not as bad as he was. Surely there's been some improvement."

"If you say so."

"Let's try this one," Dani ducked into the next store.

I browsed the racks for a few minutes and was about to give up when the saleslady approached me. "That man over there wanted me to give you this," she held out a full-length, black slip dress. I turned and looked to where she pointed but no one was there.

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