Chapter 11

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When she picked me up Margaret asked me how school was. I wanted to tell her about the trouble I had with Brooke but couldn't bring myself to mention it and worry her unnecessarily. Instead, I gave her an edited version of my day and found plenty of other things to share as we rode home. Margaret was a good listener and we ended up talking the entire drive.

As we pulled into the driveway, I wondered how Kaley had been.

Margaret smiled when I brought her up, "She has been mourning your absence all day. She must have searched every nook and cranny of the house hoping she would find you somewhere."

We walked up the front steps together and I tried to let us in but as soon as I opened the door Kaley bowled me over. I bent down and let her kisses wash away all the hard feelings I brought home with me.

"Aww, poor Kaley. I've missed you, too! I'm sorry I have to spend so much time away. Would you like to go for a walk?"

She ran over to the kitchen table knowing I usually left her leash there and beckoned with her wagging tail and happy eyes.

"Okay, but just a short one. I have homework."

I brought her to the greenway and back then tossed her one of her biscuits once we were inside. Margaret had taken the opportunity to fix me a snack while we were out.

"I've been a little lonely today, too," she confessed and handed me a plate of sliced apples with a ramekin of peanut butter as we walked into the kitchen.

"Ooh," I said, wide-eyed. "Thank you!"

She poured me a glass of milk which I gratefully took along with the plate to the kitchen table. It was one of my favorite snacks. Margaret never understood my sentiments but I always told her how comforting it was whenever I had it. I got started on my homework while I enjoyed my little treat. I finished the apples well before my assignments but it didn't take as long as I expected. The teachers were obviously being generous since it was our first day back from vacation and the amount of homework seemed relatively light.

When I finished with it, I put my papers in the appropriate books and put the books back in my bag. I left it by the front door so it would be ready to go in the morning.

"Done so soon?" Margaret called when she heard me in the hallway.

I popped my head in the family room, "Yeah. I think they gave us a light workload since we just got back from break."

"That's nice. What are you up to now?"

"I'm going to email Danielle. We're trying to make plans the weekend."

"Are you hoping to do anything special?"

"Nah, just hang out."

"Well, come down when you want me to start dinner."

"I will."

When I got to my room, I saw that Margaret had folded all the laundry and left mine in several stacks on my bed. I methodically put everything away before sitting at one of the window seats with my laptop perched on my knees. Danielle must have gotten home before me and had already written a brief note.

She mentioned a few things we hadn't gotten to at school and asked about the weekend. I quickly tapped out a response letting her know either day would be fine and asked which would be best. When I finished my email, I put the laptop aside and picked up a copy of a fashion magazine Margaret had left for me. It had a little post-it note stuck to the cover, "Does this interest you at all?"

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