Chapter 15

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His expression was full of affection as he took me in his arms and tucked me under his chin. "Elayna," he spoke my name so softly it was inaudible to anyone but myself. His voice unlocked my memories and they came flooding back. My mind was feverish with the overload of emotions and I nearly cried, I was so happy and confused. Michael turned to Kevin, "Would you excuse us a minute," he asked, gracious and apologetic.

"Yeah, no problem," Kevin quickly stepped away.

There were a million things I wanted to say but Michael put his finger on my lips. "Let me talk first," he reached for my hand and led me from the gymnasium. Once we were in the hallway, he stopped me in front of the office and pointed to our reflection in one of the windows. "No one will see me the way you do."

I looked in the glass and there I was but I wasn't standing with Michael. Well, it was Michael but a somewhat younger Michael. He looked 19 or 20 at the most. I admired us for a moment then turned and smiled up at him. "I like you better the way I see you."

He seemed nervous. Once he collected himself he stepped back and studied me. "My," he breathed, "I knew you would be a beautiful woman when you grew up but I underestimated how very much so," his eyes shone with admiration. "You wore my dress," he smiled as he took my hand and held it over my head. He gave me a gentle twirl, "It looks perfect on you."

"Oh," I said, "of course! That was you," what a relief it was to learn he had bought it for me.

"I wish I could have given it to you myself but you were with your friend, and Margaret would never forgive me if I had. I've missed you so much, Elayna! If you only knew how many times I've resisted the urge to come and visit you," his words sounded earnest and heartfelt. "I haven't been able to stop worrying about you ever since..." he broke off unwilling to finish the thought. "It's better that I didn't, though. I would only have been a distraction and kept you from enjoying your life with Margaret. Has she been good to you? Have you been happy living with my mother?"

"Everything has been wonderful. Margaret has taken such good care of me. I love her, Michael. I really do."

"It's so nice to hear you say that." He looked thoughtful for a moment, "And Kaley, how is your puppy doing?"

"She's absolutely enormous now and follows me everywhere!" I shook my head, "You can't imagine how big she's gotten! It's very intimidating; most people move to the other side of the street when they see us coming. She's always been an angel though, all bark and no bite."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. You'd be surprised how quickly things would change if she ever thought you were in any danger. Was that your boyfriend I stole you away from?"

"Oh, no, Michael, I don't have a boyfriend. I never have."



"But why, you're so beautiful? Surely they are lining up in droves hoping to gain your affection?"

I blushed and smiled, "I have forgotten many, many things Michael," my voice softened, "but I don't think I have ever forgotten you," I looked away. "There isn't a single person in this world that could make me feel the things I've felt for you."

"I'm so sorry, Elayna. For everything. I wish I had known; I wish I had understood and accepted..."

Tears swelled in my eyes. It sounded like he was rejecting me.

He gently took my chin and forced me to meet his eyes. "Oh, no. Please don't cry," he whispered as he brought my fingers to his lips and brushed my knuckles with a kiss. "I only meant... it's the same for me. It goes both ways. I only wish... I wish it had been different; that things didn't happen the way they happened."

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