Chapter 6

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"Elayna?" A few minutes ticked by, "Elayna?"

I'm not sure how I kept hearing him but it was impossible to escape Michael's pleas followed by the echo of Brenda's declaration, "He doesn't love you." The ride home seemed endless as disheartened as I was. By the time we pulled up to our building my head was pounding and I was too weary to walk. My dad picked me up and I clung to his neck as he carried me inside.

Once we made it to our apartment, my mom helped me get ready for bed and gave me a dose of medicine. "This will bring your fever down and help you rest." She brushed the hair back from my forehead and kissed me goodnight. After she left, my dad came and sat on the edge of the bed for a few minutes. He gently stroked my arm until I relaxed and my eyes dropped closed.

Michael's voice continued calling out to me but not with the same intensity as before. He changed his appeal from, "Elayna," to a simple, "Please," and he sounded so defeated I almost relented and tried to answer him. The medicine must have been working, though, because I fell fast asleep before I had the chance.

I rested soundly for an hour or two but then I started dreaming about Michael and Brenda. In my dream they stood facing one another in front of a large window that provided an exceptional view of the skyline. It looked like they were in a living room somewhere in the city but I wasn't sure if it was Michael's or Brenda's. As the dream unfolded, I realized that they were talking and the conversation was about me.

"I asked you to apologize to Elayna," Michael looked collected though his voice sounded agitated.

"I did apologize," Brenda answered honestly but Michael sensed that she hadn't told him everything and he persisted with his questioning.

"How, exactly, did you apologize? What did you say?" he demanded.

She seemed to be collecting her thoughts while Michael grew more and more impatient. "Look Michael, I'm sorry I've upset you. I realize that you were just trying to flatter the Davis' by making an impression on their daughter. They are a novel little family and I can see how attached you are to each of them. I know there's nothing unnatural about your feelings for Elayna and I'm sorry for what I said. You didn't tell me you were having guests and it made me angry and maybe even a little jealous that they claimed so much of your attention tonight."

Michael listened but Brenda still hadn't answered his question. When he didn't say anything she continued her appeal.

"Maybe you don't see it but that little girl is quite captivated by you. She is young and innocent and you are going to break her heart when she realizes you do not love her."

Michael closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Is that what you did? Did you tell Elayna I didn't love her?"

"Michael, please, you sound ridiculous," she chuckled nervously.

"Did you? Did you tell Elayna that I do not love her?" His face lost all expression and Brenda couldn't tell whether he was angry or just concerned. She wondered how much would be safe for her to confess.

She took a deep breath, "I told her that she may think she is in love with you but you are 3 times her age. I assured her if she thought about it, she would understand that love does not work like that. I told her you didn't love her the way she imagines you do, that's all."

"Ah, that's all," Michael bowed his head and Brenda looked relieved. She seemed confident that Michael had accepted her explanation and was acknowledging the truth of what she said.

She took a step towards him, "I'm glad you understand. Elayna will be hurt for a day or two but she'll bounce right back and forget you just as quickly as you'll forget her." Michael stood motionless absorbing her words. She offered him an apologetic smile and raised her arms and leaned forward to hug him. When she did, though, Michael suddenly came to life and violently grabbed her throat.

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